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Author Topic: Serial Timewaster  (Read 2163 times)

xxFallen Angelxx

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Serial Timewaster
« on: 27 March 2010, 01:57:57 pm »
This guy has done the same trick on both my partner and I. He is very well spoken and extremely plausible on the phone. Usually books a couple of hours. I have no idea where he's based but as you can see we're Midlands based. I suspect he's not in our area. He called me on Monday while I was in London and not available and said he'd call back on Wednesday. As most timewasters don't bother to call back this made him sound even more plausible. It was only as I was about to get ready my partner ran his number through the smart search on her phone and hey presto his name came up as a waster from AW (no surprise there then).

He uses the name Michael and his number is 07963 637 5** pm me if you'd like the full number.

As I have said he is totally plausible and asks all the right questions. His phone is always 'unavailable' so we suspect he has a sim that he uses just for his time wasting activities. I'm just a bit gutted as my sixth sense hasn't let me down for ages and I turned down other clients for this idiot.