Hi girls few months ago me and my friend have bad experience with customer in Bristol the guy first come to me he a good looking young guy looks like Spanish or Turkish 180cm not older than 30y/o he paid me for a hour I offer him shower but he sad he's fine I go to put money in safe place in apartment when I be back he been dress up and all his clothes be on the chair we start to have some kissing and oral but I so he all the time looking for the chair I so he have mobile opposite to me and he filming everything I remove this film from his miobile ( he don't have any password for my luck) and I tell him I am really abset and I ask to leave him when he be on the door he start pushing me and he hit me
Same situation happen to my friend from Bristol few weeks later
I saw his number on my mobile and he call me today i am not answer and he text me he wanna booki appoitment with me
His number 079322213**
Also yesterday I be have 2 strange guys
I book one guy for 7.30 he come to my apartment he be nervy he looks in bedroom bathroom he ask if we alone and he sad he can't stay he's tall 180-185cm slim blond hair looks like on the drug his number 079618180**
And second one guy he's be book after the blond guy on drugs he just come ask me how much clients I be have today look around in bedroom ask if I am alone and he sad he can't stay looks 24-26y/o slim but muscular brown curly short hair nice face around 175-180cm his number 074608493**
And other guy he's calling and asking about bareback I be must block his number be course he been call me 15times in just 5min 079861498**
[Mobile numbers edited and title edited for clarity - PLEASE read the board rules before posting here]