AW: Dave911
Older guy (70s). Arrived 30 minutes late, and had completely ignored my parking instructions and left his car in a permit area. When informed he might get a ticket, wanted to go and move it and waste even more time. Had a shower and left a big skidmark on the towel. Was consistently rough and heavy-handed throughout the booking, actually causing me a lot of pain at one point, then took the condom off and jizzed all over the bed
Also stuck his finger (roughly) up my bum and then tried to put the same finger straight into my vagina - had to be prevented a couple of times from doing that!
I don't believe this man was malicious or dangerous, but he is so utterly lacking in any sort of punting etiquette that I suspect there are people who would rather avoid him. He was a well-spoken, well-dressed man and his AW feedback is all great so you wouldn't expect him to behave in such a way.