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Author Topic: Scary unstable manchester guy  (Read 2727 times)


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Scary unstable manchester guy
« on: 20 April 2015, 10:28:45 am »
Hi all,

I got many text and aw emails from a guy. He had a profile called Harrison of memory serves me correctly he's recently changed it to boobwoobler15. Went to booking but saw two males present so left. He has since bombarded me with texts and emails. I've blocked him on aw but aw won't do a thing to help. Has anyone else come across this guy.

I do have his mobile number
Wishing everyone a safe & sparkly day.


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Re: Scary unstable manchester guy
« Reply #1 on: 20 April 2015, 10:29:58 am »
Could you put the number on here in the format of the last two digits being **?


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Re: Scary unstable manchester guy
« Reply #2 on: 20 April 2015, 12:14:09 pm »
The number is 079574508**
Wishing everyone a safe & sparkly day.


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Re: Scary unstable manchester guy
« Reply #3 on: 20 April 2015, 07:29:17 pm »
I saw this guy 3 times and was all fine during these meets until after the last one, he started texting pushing boundaries asking for anal and vaginal bareback because we "got on well". Wouldn't take no for an answer and kept offering extra money so went straight on my black list! He will try and claim it is acceptable as he is clean and married but for me? Absolute no no!


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Re: Scary unstable manchester guy
« Reply #4 on: 20 April 2015, 11:17:32 pm »
Oh that makes my blood boil!!!!!!

My profile was new to aw about 3 weeks in he texts for a meet. As I turn up there are 2 people in the car so I turn around and drive off. He guesses it's me and starts to chase after me. I managed to loose him. I text saying I don't want to see him. He denies there ever being 2 people in the car.

He then sends about 20 texts calling me a fat slag/whore etc blah blah..., then at about 10.14pm I get a text from him saying worrying  now he'll take an hour (last booking request 30mins) booking at midnight and wanted to meet behind recycling skips in a Tesco carpark!
I was like hell no I'm not meeting him. I told him there was no way I would meet him that he was a physco. He sent to more texts saying to come so I could make it up to him. Told him to jog on and leave me alone to which he started with texts and emails they were seriously frightening! I reported to aw and they said they didn't want to get involved.

He left me feedback aw would not remove. This guy is unhinged and it saddens me aw wouldn't do anything. I left him 2 stinking negative reviews.
Wishing everyone a safe & sparkly day.


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Re: Scary unstable manchester guy
« Reply #5 on: 20 April 2015, 11:24:54 pm »
He's tonight changed his name on aw to saafe-libel. Is there anything we can do to stop him seeing these posts?
Wishing everyone a safe & sparkly day.


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Re: Scary unstable manchester guy
« Reply #6 on: 21 April 2015, 12:06:51 am »
He's tonight changed his name on aw to saafe-libel. Is there anything we can do to stop him seeing these posts?

The entire purpose of the Warnings section is that as many people see it as possible - surely that's the reason for posting here in the first place?

He's probably still got his knickers in a twist after being banned from here having ignored the rules (and our email address) and come on for a little hissy fit about how you got the wrong car. Apparently another prossie told him about it, so if she's a member and wants to expand she can go right ahead, especially since another poster has contributed information :).

We'll stay on topic now, please. This is not a discussion section and any further queries can be addressed by PM.
« Last Edit: 21 April 2015, 12:13:33 am by amy »