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Author Topic: Scammed off £500 - Persian Client - Cricklewood  (Read 2098 times)


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Scammed off £500 - Persian Client - Cricklewood
« on: 14 December 2020, 06:00:29 pm »
Describes himself as Persian, very overweight, olive skin, was very high on coke (smoked), short hair, very hairy body. Located near Cricklewood, London, his number is 079303812**. Claims to only pay by cheque and that all the girls and agencies take cheque. I said he needs to call the girls/agencies and verify if this is true before he could continue the booking. He then says he doesn’t have their numbers saved. I should have left at that point but but I was getting desperate as I had travelled close to an hour and a half, I didn’t want to go home empty handed even though I just got there.

He proceeded to write me a £1000 cheque (£500 for the day and £500 for another day as he wanted to see me the following day). I pressed him a lot, I’ve never taken cheque before nor done cheque before. I didn’t 100% trust it but at this point he said that’s all he can do and he had reached his ATM limit, take it or leave it. He mentioned if I had any problems I should let him know. He was very cooperative and even messaged me the next day to check if the money has gone through the following day.
I took the cheque and deposited it and the amount showed I had been paid. Unfortunately 24 hours later the cheque bounced and I was left £1k out of pocket. When I contacted him he seemed shocked and disappointed and seemed to be doing everything to help me solve the issue. He said if it isn’t sorted by Monday as cheques can take 3 days to clear sometimes, he will give me what he owes in cash. It is now Monday, I messaged him but no reply and he is ignoring my calls. I waited a bit before reporting this to give him the time to put it right. I have only myself to blame but SPs please be aware about this client. He appears honest but is very manipulative and a fraud.
« Last Edit: 15 December 2020, 10:44:59 am by melodybanks »


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Re: Scammed off £500 - Persian Client - Cricklewood
« Reply #1 on: 14 December 2020, 06:13:20 pm »
Melody, can you put back the third from last digit of the mobile number so that only the last two are censored? That way people can search for it :).