Hi everyone one.... Firstly Im one of the girls who works for beautyescorts24.7! Let me please clear some things up.....
Firstly Jamie has been nothing but supportive, professional and completely honest from day one with me "which is rare in this Industry". Let me explain the process for people that don't understand how this works its very simple. Jamie gets allot of applications throughout the year and has certain times when he recruits. Most girls who apply do not have professional pics done, and they want to work asap to start earning money. So they way the process works is this:
1. First he will call you to discuss the job in more detail, accertain you speak good english and can communicate well.
2. He will then meet you for a coffee, usually with a girl who works for him so the girls can have some inside info which can put you more at ease. He will know whether all this is new to you so he tries to put you at ease by talking to one of us

3. He will send an email prior to interviewing asking if you can do some pics to get profiles and links set up. Obviously this is a looks business so pics have to be made for clients to book you.
4. He will do some lingerie pics in a hotel or apartment to get you working asap. Remember if you have your own pics and they are of good quality this element to the process is skipped.
5. After the pics and profiles are set up he will leave them up for 48hrs to gain views and interest. Adult work is one of the sites which the company uses so you need AWID numbers etc with mobile/email linked to it. This all takes a bit of time to get sorted.
Lastly he makes it very clear from the start that even when all the advertising and profiles are set up there is no 100% guarantee that you will be busy and able to get work. If people are NOT viewing your profiles and NOT booking you what else can he do. If this happens he will contact the person and tell you the situation regarding why he cannot take you on as you will not pull in enough money to cover his advertising, accommodation and more importantly his time. He will then delete the images and profiles he took and will give you contact numbers of other agencies that might be able to offer you more work. You can't get fairer than that

This is a business and a very professional one. If you can't make a profit whats the point. It makes sense right!!!
I want to say that Jamie has been upfront, honest, totally professional and has taken complete care of me. I could not of asked to meet a nicer guy in the Industry. It was my first time ever doing something like this and he put me at complete ease. TBH I wish there were more people like him and his company in this Industry.
The girls that have left these comments are obviously annoyed that they did not get any work and have decided to be nasty an leave untrue, slanderous comments. I know one of them had a boyfriend that was in the background basically pushing her into the Industry.... 'Yes this really does happen". He was threatening Jamie which is why he did not give her work.
As I said before Jamie is a lovely guy who really does look after you. I just wanted to put my point across as there are allot of creeps about trying to use girls for there own gain. But BeautyEscorts24.7 is a brilliant company to work for. Don't let these few comments put you off working for someone who is utterly professional and has your safety and needs as the number 1 priority,
Lots of love Charlotte :)xx