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Author Topic: Scam in Surbiton BeautyEscorts247  (Read 5060 times)


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Scam in Surbiton BeautyEscorts247
« on: 16 April 2015, 08:02:31 pm »
I meet a guy in Surbiton Station, who said that he has flats and also girls working from a hotels... He speak good english, is full of japanese tattoos, brown hair with poney tail, tall and caucasian look. He said that he has experience in porn and also male escorting blablaba, he sounds really confident with what he want to made you belive. The next stop is he wants to take you pictures, but apart of take pictures of you, he wants to take you pictures with him... I haven?t find anything again of him in google, I think because he just catch new girls without experience... I just hope some of them google his details and they can find this post.
BeautyEscorts247   His number 075065821**

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« Last Edit: 16 April 2015, 08:24:00 pm by amy »

Rosie - cambridge

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Re: Scam in Surbiton BeautyEscorts247
« Reply #1 on: 25 April 2015, 11:52:16 am »
I unfortunately fell for the same scam, the guy's name is Jamie and the description given is pretty spot on, seems to prey on total newbies.  gave me the exact same story and even told me that I could speak to some of the girls that worked for him so that I'd feel more comfortable ( would you believe it they were always unavailable/ not working when I asked to speak with them)
Ask's to meet him at surbiton station then takes you to a travelodge for a "photo shoot", says that he needs to be in some of the photos so that clients will know that you are one of "his girls"

States that he will then set up a profile for you and start advertising, lots of excuses later I never heard from him again.

Miss Bentley

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Re: Scam in Surbiton BeautyEscorts247
« Reply #2 on: 27 April 2015, 01:32:35 am »
I'm sure this is the description and MO of an older thread on here but can't seem to find it, if anyone can soy rd like the same guy and link it


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Re: Scam in Surbiton BeautyEscorts247
« Reply #3 on: 06 May 2015, 09:35:46 am »
 :) Hi everyone one.... Firstly Im one of the girls who works for beautyescorts24.7! Let me please clear some things up.....

Firstly Jamie has been nothing but supportive, professional and completely honest from day one with me "which is rare in this Industry". Let me explain the process for people that don't understand how this works its very simple. Jamie gets allot of applications throughout the year and has certain times when he recruits. Most girls who apply do not have professional pics done, and they want to work asap to start earning money. So they way the process works is this:

1. First he will call you to discuss the job in more detail, accertain you speak good english and can communicate well.
2. He will then meet you for a coffee, usually with a girl who works for him so the girls can have some inside info which can put you more at ease. He will know whether all this is new to you so he tries to put you at ease by talking to one of us  :)
3. He will send an email prior to interviewing asking if you can do some pics to get profiles and links set up. Obviously this is a looks business so pics have to be made for clients to book you.
4. He will do some lingerie pics in a hotel or apartment to get you working asap. Remember if you have your own pics and they are of good quality this element to the process is skipped.
5. After the pics and profiles are set up he will leave them up for 48hrs to gain views and interest. Adult work is one of the sites which the company uses so you need AWID numbers etc with mobile/email linked to it. This all takes a bit of time to get sorted.

Lastly he makes it very clear from the start that even when all the advertising and profiles are set up there is no 100% guarantee that you will be busy and able to get work. If people are NOT viewing your profiles and NOT booking you what else can he do. If this happens he will contact the person and tell you the situation regarding why he cannot take you on as you will not pull in enough money to cover his advertising, accommodation and more importantly his time. He will then delete the images and profiles he took and will give you contact numbers of other agencies that might be able to offer you more work. You can't get fairer than that  :) This is a business and a very professional one. If you can't make a profit whats the point. It makes sense right!!! 

I want to say that Jamie has been upfront, honest, totally professional and has taken complete care of me. I could not of asked to meet a nicer guy in the Industry. It was my first time ever doing something like this and he put me at complete ease. TBH I wish there were more people like him and his company in this Industry.

The girls that have left these comments are obviously annoyed that they did not get any work and have decided to be nasty an leave untrue, slanderous comments. I know one of them had a boyfriend that was in the background basically pushing her into the Industry.... 'Yes this really does happen". He was threatening Jamie which is why he did not give her work.

As I said before Jamie is a lovely guy who really does look after you. I just wanted to put my point across as there are allot of creeps about trying to use girls for there own gain. But BeautyEscorts24.7 is a brilliant company to work for. Don't let these few comments put you off working for someone who is utterly professional and has your safety and needs as the number 1 priority,

Lots of love Charlotte  :)xx


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Re: Scam in Surbiton BeautyEscorts247
« Reply #4 on: 06 May 2015, 09:48:53 am »
That's an interesting first post. ::)


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Re: Scam in Surbiton BeautyEscorts247
« Reply #5 on: 06 May 2015, 09:49:42 am »
Haha we can all spot an alias from a mile off. But a good attempt none the less!  ::)


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Re: Scam in Surbiton BeautyEscorts247
« Reply #6 on: 06 May 2015, 09:55:38 am »
Indeed. The old maxim 'when in hole, stop digging' springs to mind, especially when by some staggering coincidence we've also had an email this morning from the man himself telling us all how misunderstood he is and how wonderful his agency is really (and he even has a legal team, although they don't know the difference between slander and libel either).

Can members please remember that the rules for posting in this section still apply, and further off topic posts which add nothing to the thread will be removed. The Report button is working just fine, for those who were going to use it but didn't because they thought it might be broken.
« Last Edit: 06 May 2015, 09:58:55 am by amy »


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Re: Scam in Surbiton BeautyEscorts247
« Reply #7 on: 06 May 2015, 10:15:14 am »
Hi  :)

I come across this post and wanted to have my say lol! I worked for BeautyEscorts24.7 from Jan 2013 to June 2014. I can honestly say I never had any problems. They were always honest and straight up with me. I got paid when I needed to and as for the pic thing... of course they will need photos if you don't have any done lolz. I totally get the need for this site as it does an amazing job of highlighted the Ars***es of the Industry. But you should never have a vendetta against someone who simply can't offer you work. Keep it positive girls ;-) As I said before I enjoyed my time with BeautyEscorts24.7 nothing more to say x


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Re: Scam in Surbiton BeautyEscorts247
« Reply #8 on: 06 May 2015, 10:17:24 am »
Bless. You really should have changed computers before you did that.



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Probably a Pimp , beter block him !
« Reply #9 on: 24 May 2015, 11:03:26 am »
Today when i log in my account from AW i found a booking request from a member who let me a feedback like 10 min later saying this : "Warning Fake profile , EE maid coning clients , AVOID fake pictures ! "

I never meet or spoke to the guy before but i think he is a pimp and i disturb his girls here in the area and he want me away from here. He did the same to my girlfrend yesterday and she got suspended from AW and must to send again all the verification. It was the same person dooing this. 
His user name on AW is " Johndough79 " and i fount on the booking request thr nr 079445763**
Al this happen in Kingston London


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Re: Probably a Pimp , beter block him !
« Reply #10 on: 26 May 2015, 07:54:42 am »
Hm, i'm based in that area so I'm worried.... Were you able to block him in time?


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Re: Probably a Pimp , beter block him !
« Reply #11 on: 26 May 2015, 10:18:54 am »
Londonfox you can block his number on the phone or on AW profile by his user name like this he will not be able to make a booking request or to leave a feedback. I investigate i little an i found a conection with a lady who advertise aswell in Kingston  "Char95x" and i also found some other usernames what he may use : "AmberRosexKissex , JeremyIronsFunx , Amberheartx ".

Those are thr usernames what AW say that may be the same person. T

Rosie - cambridge

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Re: Probably a Pimp , beter block him !
« Reply #12 on: 11 June 2015, 10:21:03 pm »
Hey, just thought that I would let you know that this is the same guy who advertises as running beautyescorts24.7 which is a scam, if you look at a post on here about it he's actually posted replies with those user names char95x & AmberRosexKissex

I have his number and name and he lives in Kingston

Rosie - cambridge

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Re: Probably a Pimp , beter block him !
« Reply #13 on: 11 June 2015, 10:28:43 pm »
Sorry he actually lives in surbiton and the post is under the heading surbiton beautyescorts247 scam on here, I hope this helps  ;D


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Re: Scam in Surbiton BeautyEscorts247
« Reply #14 on: 11 June 2015, 10:44:57 pm »
Reporting the relevant thread with the Report button so they can be merged together helps a lot more, because the mods and admins then get an alert about it rather than having to go hunting for the posts you mean :).