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Author Topic: Rough guy in Leeds/York  (Read 1657 times)


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Rough guy in Leeds/York
« on: 07 December 2011, 11:25:15 am »
Not sure if this is serious enough to go in this section so please feel free to move it if not.

Client had been trying to see me for a couple of weeks, going under the name Hos. Impeccable emails, perfect grammar etc. Eventually sorted a booking. Usually I ask for telephone confirmation but  he was at work so I said text would be okay (stupid me). He called from the station and was pretty rude on the phone, wanted to come half an hour early. I said no, he was in fact significantly late.

Anyhow, he turned up and was a little creepy but fine. However, during the booking he began to pull my hair, hard, and in fact pulled a rather large chunk out. I told him in no uncertain terms to stop but he repeatedly did it. He also spanked me, again, something I do not offer. I again said no which was ignored. He dragged me by the hips and left bruises. I called time on the appointment and asked him to leave. He then hung around outside my house. My partner came home in full view of the guy and he finally left.

He was using the name Hos, but openly said in the booking this was fake and would not tell me his real name. He is training to be a solicitor, and lives in Leeds. He is Pakistani with a medium-strength accent. Short, with medium length hair. Phone number was 077917334**. 
Same me, different name.