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Author Topic: Rough biter Warrington  (Read 1144 times)


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Rough biter Warrington
« on: 11 March 2022, 05:41:31 pm »
I’ve seen this man twice before, he books 15 minutes and the first time (in Lymm) he was a little rough I assumed he was a little over excited so let it slide, the second time was more of the same but a little more rough when giving him oral, push head down etc he came today (it had been so quiet the last two times I worked otherwise I probably wouldn’t of saw him) he was even worse, held my head down until I almost vomited then while I was on top he bit my boob! He’s left a small bruise, I grabbed him by the face in shock, he did apologise but I have a feeling he likes to push to see what he can get away with, he is now blocked but I imagine if I was stupid enough to see him again he would do something else
Think he’s polish (terrible with accents) not bad looking, tattoos on hands