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Author Topic: Robbery at knife point - Cumbria/Northern England  (Read 1849 times)


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Robbery at knife point - Cumbria/Northern England
« on: 15 November 2011, 01:29:37 pm »
I am posting this on behalf of another lady, with her knowledge and consent. She was robbed by a client last Sunday night (13th November) and sent me this:

'I called the police as soon as he had left, after I'd secured the house and contacted a friend.

This guy booked well in advance, it was not a last minute thing at all and I actually wasn't going to take any bookings last night because it would make a full weekend off. Hindsight.

Like I say he appeared quite normal, and phoned/confirmed on the day as requested. There was nothing out of the ordinary about anything. He rang for address and followed my instructions. However instead of looking through my window I went to the door and opened it as he arrived. He rushed in through the door, before I could do anything.

He was about 5 6 or 5 7 tall, medium build and his entire head covered in a black, wool balaclava. He had a kitchen knife in his hand and all I could see were his eyes but I could tell he is white, possibly blue eyes. Wore none-descript, darkish, loosish casual clothing. Accent did not leave an impression so must be northern (I'd remember if anything else). The mouth of the balaclava was sewn/melted together so he might have distinctive teeth. I think he held the knife in his right hand but not sure.

Phone number used was 075034150** "Steve".

I managed to get him out the house eventually but not before he mentioned he might have to tie me up. He took my phone and as much cash as I could find - which wasn't much, all the time he was saying you must have more - I said I'd not been working and banked everything. He disputed this saying I had a dodgy job so wouldn't be banking it. We actually had a discussion about what I put on my tax return, and I emptied my bag to show him there was nothing else.

All I can remember are the eyes and I am very angry indeed!!!'

Please PM me for full number.
« Last Edit: 15 November 2011, 04:42:00 pm by amy »


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Re: Robbery at knife point - Cumbria/Northern England
« Reply #1 on: 04 August 2012, 02:16:55 pm »
By way of an update, I am happy to report that this man was caught, prosecuted and finally sentenced to five years in jail for armed robbery following this attack :).