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Author Topic: Robbed during incall Gosport, Fareham  (Read 3931 times)


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Robbed during incall Gosport, Fareham
« on: 27 January 2011, 10:10:26 pm »
Hi All

I was robbed on Wednesday 26th 2011 during what should have been an incall. 

I was contacted by a Sean who had seen my profile on Adultwork mobile:  077762003** he also used mobile: 078070559** which he claimed was his friend's mobi.

An incall was arranged for him but he turned up with 2 others and I was robbed of ?350.  The searched everywhere in my kitchen taking all money they could find.

I managed to get the money returned the following day after alot of arguing.

The only reason I managed to even get  a response was because I made it on many messages left that I had enough undeniable evidence to go directly to the boys in blue.  The one calling himself Sean claimed he had never even spoken to me.  Then said it would be my word against all of theirs.  Then tried threatening me with a claim that he was going to report me to the Police, obviously I encouraged him to do this.  He then claimed they had only taken a few hundred pounds.  He also claimed it was the other friend.  He then tried to haggle me down on how much I wanted back.  He tried making it a condition of me getting money back that I wouldn't take matter any further. I gave him the ultimatum all by 6pm posted thru' my door or I go straight to police.  Funny enough I did get the cash just before 3pm.

I have obviously kept all evidence to protect against any harrassment from this trio.


Sean - approx 5'8 dark blonde/mousey wavey/curly hair.  He is slim with a weathered look.  Approx mid 30's.  He works in construction trade and drives a van.  Not sure but the name Steve was bandied about it may be his real name. 

Be very careful as I have seen this one before but didn't realise it was the same man - he looked different more tanned, aged and previously his hair was wavier and blonder.  He came for a booking, claiming it was his first escort booking, he then turned up without an appointment several weeks later.  I refused him entry but he forced his way in, picked me up and throw me on the sofa.  Luckily his mobile rang and his boss called him back into work.  He drove a workman van and I get the impression he worked in the construction industry.  He may be either from Gosport or Portsmouth.  I seem to remember him saying he was married.

Mark, Very slim with dark hair.  He is approx 5'7/8".  He wears chains round his neck.  Portsmouth/Gosport accent.

3rd man, claimed to be a taxi driver for Bridge Taxis on the day shift.  He also claimed to deliver cocaine for Gosport drug dealers!   He had dark hair, he is a very large build I would say approx 6'2".   He was married and stated he was married in Las Vegas think he said something about being married 10 years.  This one comes across as a very nice man but obviously not.

Please all be very safe out there.

Adele xxx


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    • BustySarita
Re: Robbed during incall Gosport, Fareham
« Reply #1 on: 27 January 2011, 11:18:05 pm »
Wow! Sorry about what happened to you, but your handling of this was brilliant. Well done for getting your money back and hopefully this nasty bunch of shits will think twice about pulling this sort of stunt again,
Sarita xx


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Re: Robbed during incall Gosport, Fareham
« Reply #2 on: 31 January 2011, 06:43:02 pm »
Im so sorry this has happened to you huni. Thank you so much for bringing it to our attention & well done you for being so brave. You got your money back thats fantastic. I hope it doesn't affect the rest of your life. You're very very brave.

Luv & best wishes.

Kate xx


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Re: Robbed during incall Gosport, Fareham
« Reply #3 on: 31 January 2011, 11:54:35 pm »
thats awful, but hats off to you for getting them to return your money.