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Author Topic: Regular paid me less - Sheffield  (Read 967 times)


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Regular paid me less - Sheffield
« on: 03 October 2018, 10:39:54 am »
I have been seeing David for months, once or twice a month for half an hour at a time.
After the first couple of meets, I generally just let then leave the money on the side and check it after. No more.

Last night he gave me the money on leaving, I thought it looked light but still checked it after he'd gone. £20 short.
I immediately text him, I know he was still outside. No reply.
Still no reply this morning, and usually he's a prolific, pain in the arse texter.

I'm glad to be rid tbh, and it's a lesson learnt in checking money, but he's still an arse for pulling that stunt.
