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Author Topic: Potentially dangerous man in Essex - please be careful and ignore this guy  (Read 1234 times)


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Had someone call me today but I was in the taxi so couldn't pick up. I texted him this and his replies were normal. He asked where I was based so I gave him the post code. Things then got weird. These were then his replies within 5 minutes:

Him: okay
Him: we?
Him. I'll be seven minutes
Him: whot number?
Him: good one
Me: ?
Him: you see me nice
Him: ro we can meet?
Him: ?
Him: ?
Him: so we meet or not?
Him: plz text only
Him: ?
Him: meet or not?
Him: so how long.

Of course by this point he's down on my phone as idiot and I'm ignoring him. I arrive at the hotel I'm using and check in as normal. Start to head to my room and this foreign guy is following me. I don't notice until I'm at my door. I turn and he goes: it's you? So I act dumb. And he goes again, it's you, yes? Can we meet? So I act dumb again and say I'm with my boyfriend to which he apologises and leaves. I'm really worried that he's going to tell reception or come back to the room. I knew I had a bad feeling about today.

I'd like to say that maybe he's just a harmless idiot who doesn't know the protocol. But all his texts, him stalking me and trying to call me about 30 times makes me believe he could be dangerous.

Be careful ladies.

Number: 077766212**

Email me for the full number.