Received an invitation this morning to place a quote on the following web project, i have a 7 page brief which i cannot post because it has the project owners personal address on. Ive cut and pasted the bits of interest to the escort users of this site.
project description: New website free for men to become members and ?900 for escorts to become life time members (using paypal or western union).
money making opportunities for men:
1) earn ?1 for adding the details of a new escort with work phone number ( has to be someone not yet listed and needs to be verified by admin first)
this is done so site users know who the escort is and how to contact her2) Earn ?5 for posting on the site the working address of the escort (needs to be verified by admin first)
this is done so site users who have dificulty hearing dont have to struggle listening to the escort give directions over the phone.3) Earn ?5 for each photograph posted on the site of men leaving the building. (upto 10 per escort address).
This is done so people know the escort is genuine and it is not a scam where the client is mugged for the cash.
4) Earn ?50 for posting on the site the escorts real name.
This is done to help the escort meet her legal obligations in providing a real name as a service provider in the UK and not just a nickname.
5) Earn ?100 for posting on the site the home address of the escort (with proof of address).
This is so any clients who have an issue with the service they have received know which address to file as the defendants address at a county court.6) Earn ?200 for posting information about 3 members of the escorts family (names and addresses).
This is to give other users who dont have the family information the ability to help the escort by assisting in building a support network which she may not have time to do herself. once an escorts home address and family details have been on the site for 1 month the male members are encorraged to assist the escort: 7) Earning ?50 posting leaflets explaining the escorts service through the letter boxes of the houses/flats neighbouring the working address of the escort.
This is so any clients who get the wrong address can be directed to the right address. 
Earn ?50 to post advertising information for the escort through the letter boxes of the escorts family members.
This is to help widen the support network for the escort which she may not have time to do herself.
Additional details that maybe of interest:
a) All requests to remove data will be honoured but have to be made from the escort in person through her own members area.
b) In the mens members area a link needs to be added to a UK censors search application for both people and address searching.
c) Site to be hosted in south america.