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Author Topic: Potentially dangerous timewaster/scammer: Mr Ward, Derbyshire  (Read 114469 times)


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Re: Potentially dangerous timewaster/scammer: Mr Ward, Derbyshire
« Reply #120 on: 21 July 2014, 06:07:20 pm »
I keep getting calls over the last few days from an old number listed in my phone as: SAAFE CONMAN 079386686**

When I did a search on here it's Ward again, switching back to his other number this time.. ::)


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Re: Potentially dangerous timewaster/scammer: Mr Ward, Derbyshire
« Reply #121 on: 17 December 2014, 05:41:19 pm »
i came across mr ward whilst i was touring skegness earlier this year but luckily i went on my instincts he tried telling me he couldnt draw money out till morning after the booking so i said to him id do a bank transfer of which he said i didnt have facility to do this so i told him to trott on


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Re: Potentially dangerous timewaster/scammer: Mr Ward, Derbyshire
« Reply #122 on: 19 February 2015, 04:07:17 am »
Hi Ladies
I am new to this site. I have been contacted by Mr H**** Ward by telephone on Sunday the 14/2/15. He wanted to book me for 3 nights from Tuesday to Friday morning at the IBIS hotel 3 tally's end, barlborough, Chesterfield North S43 4TX Tel 012469132**. He is staying in Room 12* until Monday the 23rd of February 2014. He has two mobile numbers 079386686** and 079238099** which is on O2.
He told me to come on the train from Preston and he would meet me at the station. I told him I have a driver he did not like that. He told me he was a lawyer/barrister/QC. I do have a picture of him on my phone and will upload to this site if I am allowed or text it to you if you require as I am unfamiliar with how to use this site as yet but will certainly be using it in the future for any client.
Very chatty and charming and has got the gift of the gab with a strong Yorkshire accent and sounds like he is from Doncaster as I have an ex who lived there and I wondered whether or not it was him winding me up at first.
He said that everything is going to be wonderful and he is going to spoil me rotten and show me the Derbyshire countryside. He said he would pay me ?3k the it went to ?3.5K then ?4 to ?4.5k.
Wow!! What a shock a bolt out of the blue !! Then on Tuesday morning sent a text to say that he had been up all night with the trots and could he have a couple of days to get over it and buy some immodium.
Naturally trotting around all night from one Hotel to another and full of shit but hey I decided to go along with this guy as I was intrigued and love a professional bullshitter. Sadly he lacked professionalism and the more contact that we had the flaws in his text messages and spelling mistakes were quite transparent and only re-iterated that he was a joker.
Still I pursued it out of curiosity and it has been bugging me and then to know that I was right all along with my instincts after reading these posts was so comforting.
He then wanted to arrange for Thursday the 19th until Monday the 23rd or Friday till Monday and Guess what? Wants to pay me ?10K just because I am amazing and absolutely to die for. Well Who is getting carried away with the fairies now?? LOL He wanted some pics of me and I obliged by text. I asked him if he was on internet he said no and he found me on Adultzone I told him to visit AW profile as all the pics are on there and he said he cant get past the free gallery so just send them for him and be a sweetie.
I told him I wanted a deposit upfront all of the excuses that he had to order the money and without TRUST what else is there left in life if you cannot TRUST someone. He said his wife died 25 years ago and his son and his daughter are now grown up and flown the nest and he has been out everyday to visit his daughter which struck me as odd. I asked him for ID his address at home so that he can be identified he said he has two places. Then he offered me the keys to his car a new car which is ?20K as a deposit. He gets off on wanting to know all of your likes and dislikes and fantasies and tries to befriend you saying he can help you out financially. He said since an eastern European lady ripped his friend off for ?800 and did a runner he has never paid an eascort in advance since and told me I could have the phone number of two girls to verify that he is a man of his word.
Sends texts calling you darling and just to let you know the hotel is 2 minutes from Junction 30 off M1. Believe me this is just the start of many happy times to share. Then he asks to be shaven and using absolutely amazing darling incessantly. He is hopeless by text and keeps the pressure up by phoning you all of the time and then when he cannot get through rings you of his other number.
I rang the hotel room at 8 am and during the day his phones were off as I suspect he is just hotel hopping. He looks like a Truck driver or a fork lift truck driver with brown lense tinted glasses quite a rounded fat face and very large froggy eyes on his pic. there is something very weird about him.
I told him that the only QC he has seen is a bottle of QC and as far as the courts go the only thing he has seen is the dock. He said I was doubting his integrity and I could check him out at Albion Chambers QC in Bristol and Derby Crown Court. So I did and came up with this site lol x ;D He said he could give me 2 tel numbers of porn stars tesa thrills from Essex and tia lane from Liverpool who both spent 10 days with him. He does insist on wanting to chat to you instead of texting as he is good with his chat and the pure bull does roll off his tongue he is well versed and does not trip up until you have upset him. He then becomes very abusive and aggressive and nasty with his texts as he thinks that he can reel you back in.
There is always a new stroke that someone pulls and you think that you have been around the block to know them but this one really did encapture me. Fortunately I am realistic and was half tempted to turn up just for the crack until he offered just ?50 as a token gesture and then quickly upped it to ?2k. He said not to bring a male driver only a female one and not to tell anyone. He preys on ladies that are new and that he thinks are struggling financially and he is their Guardian Angel. I must admit I was very professional until he called me and then it just had to reel off my tongue to tell him just exactly where to go and that he does prey on ladies and it is reassuring to know that you were right. IF IT SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE IT USUALLY IS !! ALARM BELLS WERE RINGING FROM THE OFFSET. He then tries to tell you he has booked another escort from leeds escorts who is only 22 but she is probably 29 as all Prostitutes lie about their age and add on 7 years. Au contraire darling why would I want to do that at 51? I am what it says on the label and on my profile what have I got to gain by bullshitting clients? He said one could not even be bothered to answer ones phone could one? I call myself genuine what utter rubbish. He asked me If I had any denials? He really is DELUDED he thinks he is in a court of Law and unfortunately convinced himself that he is some sort of Philadelphian Lawyer!!!
Stay SAAFE Ladies and any further information needed just let me know. Love C xxx

[Name, location, mobile numbers censored - PLEASE read the board specific rules before posting in this section]
« Last Edit: 19 February 2015, 08:14:34 am by amy »


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Re: Potentially dangerous timewaster/scammer: Mr Ward, Derbyshire
« Reply #123 on: 22 October 2015, 02:46:10 pm »
hi is going under the name John and Harry and his number is 079535951**

he has been wanting to see me in Skegness for 2 months now and wanted me to go to Cheshire, Skegness, Lincolnshire.

offering more then the odds and saying wants to transfer at the end of stay from his isa/bonds and shares saying he is a barrister and solicitor.

says all sorts of stories does not have the intelligence to remember his lies and when he gets caught out he sends nasty messages.


also mentions bareback and anal and he wants your all while with him, wants you to drive everywhere and only books hotels now, he targets new in the industry to play his games


[mobile number edited]
« Last Edit: 23 October 2015, 03:31:38 pm by Kayla-Diamond »


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Re: Potentially dangerous timewaster/scammer: Mr Ward, Derbyshire
« Reply #124 on: 22 October 2015, 03:22:55 pm »
Kayla, could you please edit the mobile number so that just the last two digits are censored and it's in the correct format for the site? I've removed the space :).

It's worth pointing out that this man has been at it for at least ten years to my knowledge, and he's never specifically picked on or targeted younger women before. If he's doing so now, then this is new.


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Re: Potentially dangerous timewaster/scammer: Mr Ward, Derbyshire
« Reply #125 on: 22 December 2015, 01:00:57 am »
I had a guy claiming to be a QC barrister in Yorkshire. Knew it wasn't right when we spoke on the phone and he had the broad northern accent. I also Google the barrister he claimed to be and it wasn't him as he sent me a selfie.

Anyway he wanted me to stay Friday until Monday at a hotel near Sheffield. Quite a distance from me and we had never met before! Said he would pay ?7,000!! But..wait for it...he would have to drawer the money on the Monday as its being transferred from a savings account.

Total scam. If something is too good to be true it generally is. I didn't meet him obviously.

We are sometimes too trusting especially in the beginning. Just think of it as a lesson learnt and don't beat yourself up about it. He is a total loser...Hope he got a flat tyre on his way home ;)


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Re: Potentially dangerous timewaster/scammer: Mr Ward, Derbyshire
« Reply #126 on: 08 February 2016, 08:02:13 pm »
His mobile number that he is using today is 075935951**

number censored - please read the posting rules
« Last Edit: 17 February 2016, 09:00:36 am by amy »


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Re: Potentially dangerous timewaster/scammer: Mr Ward, Derbyshire
« Reply #127 on: 18 February 2016, 10:46:51 am »
Hi Girls. I have been directed here from another forum where I posted this, having been contacted by Mr Ward.

Copied and pasted.

He contacted me and we discussed rates over the phone before planning to meet on Thursday, two hours, standard rate. He text me, incoherently, that evening and asked if he could book me for another 2 hours. Fine, but that is the limit, as I am unavailable in the evening.

He seemed a little irritated with me afterwards and has convinced himself I am seeing another client after him. He then text saying if I cancelled with the other client he would pay me ?1000 for the afternoon and the evening. This is where I started to get suspicious. I reiterated that I was unavailable and thought that he would either book me or cancel.

This morning he text me multiple times, eventually ringing to "discuss our options". He informed me that he was a Barrister named Geoff Ward from Derbyshire and then offered to pay me "anywhere between ?3k and ?5k" because I am "obviously worth it".

I told him I would get back to him and decided to check out his "credentials" and (shock, horror) it turns out he isn't a barrister. In fact he had done this so many times to so many different women it is a wonder he hasn't at least changed the routine.

I might have been out of the industry for a while, but I am certainly not naive!


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Re: Potentially dangerous timewaster/scammer: Mr Ward, Derbyshire
« Reply #128 on: 05 May 2016, 11:24:53 pm »
Had a call tonight off the infamous 'Geoff' requesting an overnight a week on Sunday at the Ibis at junction 30 of the M1, he even offered me to spend the whole weekend with him and we could drink lots together (lucky me ha ha!)  When I realised it was him I humoured him asking if he knows my rates he says "Oh yes about ?1000 is the going rate for one night isn't it?!! He's texting me to confirm that morning. He's still using the same number 075935951**


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Re: Potentially dangerous timewaster/scammer: Mr Ward, Derbyshire
« Reply #129 on: 05 May 2016, 11:45:25 pm »
Just to add this is at least the third time he has contacted me to try and arrange an overnight booking, on different numbers and names over several years.  Each time the key words which identify that its him are that he's honest, reliable and approachable. In the past he has mentioned being a barrister, bareback and paying after the booking because he's so trustworthy and he gets all 'offended' when I've said he needs to pay upfront.


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Re: Potentially dangerous timewaster/scammer: Mr Ward, Derbyshire
« Reply #130 on: 08 June 2016, 05:24:47 pm »
He has rung me today number 075935953**


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Re: Potentially dangerous timewaster/scammer: Mr Ward, Derbyshire
« Reply #131 on: 23 July 2016, 05:41:13 pm »
He just called me and actually booked me for next Sunday!!!!!

He was pushing for an overnight booking very much even though I said I don't do overnights with people I've never met before.
Then he said he'd offer ?2000 if I stayed over, I refused and he said okay then just three hours and we'll see how we go.

Introduced himself as Harry Ward and booked a hotel in Chesterfield.

Can I just say one more time, how fricking grateful I am for this forum!??  :-*


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Re: Potentially dangerous timewaster/scammer: Mr Ward, Derbyshire
« Reply #132 on: 23 July 2016, 05:49:21 pm »
He rung me today too... Unbelievable.

Aqua Allegoria

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Re: Potentially dangerous timewaster/scammer: Mr Ward, Derbyshire
« Reply #133 on: 23 July 2016, 09:45:54 pm »
He rung me today too... Unbelievable.

Thank god I saw this. The fucker just booked me for next week!

Aqua Allegoria

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Re: Potentially dangerous timewaster/scammer: Mr Ward, Derbyshire
« Reply #134 on: 23 July 2016, 10:36:16 pm »
I have  ;D. My friend (also based in Scarborough) has just rung me and asked about a booking request she had which sounded odd - exacly the same name and MO (Mr Ward, few days in a hotel - this one in Lincoln). I remembered this thread and doublechecked and it is definitely him; she was suspicious and asked about having some money upfront as he gave her exactly the same cobblers about transferring money out of his ISA and it taking a few days - when she questioned him about it and pointed out that she would have to be upfront when she arrived, he got uppity and sent some arsy texts, so we think he might well be in the process of trying it on somebody else.

The number he is currently using is 07719 3019** - PM me for the rest. I also know where he has a hotel booking this weekend if anybody's interested (my friend rang them and checked and it is a genuine booking, for now at least).

This site is a bloody Godsend sometimes  :).

Well at some point while discussing my travel today I told him I would like a small deposit into my bank account tonight or tomorrow to cover my travel expenses.
Once he rang saying he found depositing money into my bank account unethical (????) I immediately came here on Saafe and found him, then texted him and told him to fuck off. I did not tell him however HOW I found out he's a con artist.
Right now he's very busy calling me all names. Plus threatening me that he will warn all websites I advertise on that I asked him for the money upfront.
What a dirty piece of shit.

Ps he sent me his picture if any lady is interested...