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Author Topic: Heathrow - haggling idiot who draws attention to you in front of hotel staff.  (Read 1839 times)


  • Sr. Member
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  • Posts: 722
Seen this guy Mike in Heathrow yesterday.

White guy, dressed smartly in suit/ office clothing with id badge around his neck. Late 30s medium build, beer belly, average height, brown hair.

Really polite and generally nice to start with. He had half hour at ?80. Got down to buiness, kept telling me how great i was at my job and he will want to book me for thursday an hour next time, the usual crap.

So he comes quick and its been about 20 mins, so i say would you like a massage, us take a shower together etc as he has ten mins left.

He looks at his watch, then says no sorry got to go gets dressed, then the haggling starts! Now i don't offer 15 min appts and he starts begging me for some money back, starts giving me some crap about he needs to buy his wife a present, please can he have ?20 back, he will book me again for tomorrow for an hour etc!

I tell him sorry i don't offer 15 min appts, the min is 30mins and you have already been here 20 mins. Well he goes and 2 mins later he's knocking on my hotel door again loudly I open it and 2 house keeping staff are outside the room opposite cleaning the room. In full view of the house keeping staff he says "can you open the door wide, i need to see  if i left anything." "I took my clothes off there i need to see if i left anything, then can you please give me a tenner or twenty quid back".

 "I only wanted 15 mins" and tries haggling for money back on my hotel doorstep in front of the house keeping staff!

I told him to go and i am not giving any money back. So he left. But what a idiot, he clearly was drawing attention to me, mentioning taking his clothes off and wanting 15 mins. I think he seen the hotel staff opposite and thought he'd try his luck to get some money back by drawing  attention to me.

Afterwards i went out of my hotel room as i needed to go to tesco, should of seen dirty look the hotel maid gave me! If looks could kill! Hope my room isn't marked as "working girl" now.

Although not dangerous, i don't think he would of robbed me, i still think you ladies should avoid this client.
