An unusual one as the client did not harm me or behave badly in the booking. However his subsequent behaviour was bizarre enough to warrant a potential warning in my opinion.
Booking went fine, client seemed very nice and was affectionate and friendly. He happily extended from 1 to 3 hours, without prompting and through his own choice (outcall)
On the way home from the booking, which was a half hour journey, client sent in totel 237 texts. Mostly gibberish (eg cgvhvghhh) but some saying whore whore whore whore whore indicating it wasn't an accident or phone problem.
The booking had gone fine and we parted with him blowing me a kiss and saying he'd be in touch soon.
He continued to text me every 45 seconds/1 minute for the next 2 hours, totalling 600+ messages, escalating to abuse, threats, accusing me of stealing money (which I would never, ever do) and threats to report me to the police for living off immoral earnings and being a prostitute. I did not reply to any of his texts.
So although this person did not directly assault or harm me I feel he's unbalanced enough to earrant a warning due to his need / hatred of either women in general or sex workers.
He lives in london and his number is 077996273**
I also have a face photo of him as the silly dick texted it to me before meeting.
Hadley xx