I meet this guy yesterday. He call we at least 20 times ( i was busy ) to get a apointment and then when i finally spoke to him witch sound nice and ok over the phone amd agree in a time things start going wrong :
1 he arrive late
2 once he arrive he did not listen to me how to get to my room and went somewere alse getting lost in the hotel
3 when finnaly arrive ti my room start to negociate my rates and saying that he dont want to be rush.
I told him that no way to negociate and he plan to stay one hour but here he turn nasty and agresive because he finish in 20 min and he was llike : " this is not a service and i want my money back" " you think you are a princess but you are just another slut " and he try to get his money back. I just stop my 30 min rate and i give him the rest back and show him the door.
This kind of customers i really hate. He was nice on the begining and once he was done he start beeing nasty.
The guy is a Turk @35yo short black hair , tall , very dirty and he smoke and smell very strong of cigarette.
Better avoid him girls 074790703**