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Author Topic: Potential Thief  (Read 1397 times)


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Potential Thief
« on: 16 November 2011, 08:52:12 pm »
I am not 100% sure if this guy had someone waiting out of sight and they were intending to stage a robbery however due to suspicious nature and weird questions and an all together shady manner, I felt i needed to post this here so that other ladies in London can be careful.The guy is a black guy very short about 5ft tall,short natural haircut.He had first asked for an outcall saying he lives in vauxhall,upon asking for his address,landline he refused and said he wanted me to meet him outside a pub where he would pick me up in his car and take me to his house.I declined then he asked for an incall which i accepted since i try not to work on my own.Fast forward the guy eventually showed up (he was on the phone walking down the street asking me for directions he did not park his car on the street just outside though there was plenty of space and free parking at that time of the day.leading me to believe in hindsight that there may have been another person(s) sitting in the car.)as soon as he came in he started quizzing me if i was alone i replied no, he then asked if  the apartment was mine reply no again i just rent from my friend.He then started to look around and asked if there are any cameras explaining he is worried about discretion to which i was more than happy to say yes there are security cameras.He then made a hasty exit just as he was walking out he quickly went on his phone speaking in an African dialect talking to someone.I quickly locked the door notified my friend not to open the door,waited a while then got a taxi home. I then received a series of text messages requesting an outcall from a different number could have been him or his mates.when i declined the text got very rude and offensive one of them saying "you are too expensive,even you can get gold at a bargain let alone a whoxx'x pxxxy!"
The number initially used was 078483795@@,rude texts 074147272@@ please pm me if anyone wants the full number.