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Author Topic: potential dangerous man - Warrington  (Read 14616 times)


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Re: potential dangerous man - Warrington
« Reply #15 on: 01 August 2008, 10:03:26 am »
This creep won't give up unless you are quite nasty with him. He tried phoning me a few times, in the end I told him that he will not get a visit as I had discovered that he is well known and talked about and he is considered a creep, time-waster and nasty piece of work!!!
I think he got the message as he has never tried to contact me again.
My suggestion would be not to say to much. He is obviously not very bright as he doesn't change his phone no or name. He will continue what he does and at least we know who he is and what he is up to. He may change his name and no if he discovers we talk and swap notes on the idiots we come across. Just a thought!

in fact scrap my last comment , as at least if he keeps same no people can identfiy him !! Id love 2 tell him where to go , ah !!! Im in 2 minds now , but i think its better if people know who he is - yes hes  thick - always on the same old number n name .!!!!
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Re: potential dangerous man - Warrington
« Reply #16 on: 15 November 2009, 10:48:35 pm »
He is at it again. Contacted me this evening by text asking if I drive. He's forgotten he contacted me 18 months ago and all the same details again. At the time I couldn't drive myself and despite him saying he really liked me, I was "the" one for him he wouldn't accept a discrete driver transporting me to his place.

I've asked him to call since I don't discuss details by text, then I'm going to remind him I'm not seeing him!


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Re: potential dangerous man - Warrington
« Reply #17 on: 12 January 2010, 10:41:03 am »
He is still at it then!  What an idiot, to be honest if he calls again I would be tempted to get his address.


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Re: potential dangerous man - Warrington
« Reply #18 on: 12 January 2010, 02:45:42 pm »
One one of his first contacts he said he'd been taken advantage of by his first Escort in that she started to charge 'extras' right from the first moment i.e. wanted more money to kiss, cuddle etc. He said this wasn't fair. He often mentions that he doesn't want anyone "too professional" and even mentioned he'd want a discount as he would be seeing me regularly.

Sounds like a complete wind-up merchant and possibly rather lonely!

shelly 1001

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Re: potential dangerous man - Warrington
« Reply #19 on: 24 October 2010, 09:51:01 pm »
hi girls. im not an escort but i felt i should register on here to let you know a few things. i googled dangerous liar in warrington and this article appeared. i feel it is the same man i met back in february 2008. i used to use a chatline called quest personals, he said his name was danny late thirties 6 foot attractive sandy fair hair,ice blue eyes etc. met him in starbucks manchester he was at least 50 had a partial denture at front upper of his mouth which looked filthy. stank of garlic and tobacco. he also says his wife is a nurse that has left him for another woman she works with,me thinks it's a sob story so the ladies feel sorry for him big time. he works at a photocopier company in warrington says he resides near lymm. when we met i hadnt even sat down when he ordered i go to the toilet remove my underwear then get in his car with him,i left he tried to follow me in his car. a week later he called at my house he traced my address through my mobile number,would not leave when asked have had to report him many times for following me. he drives a silver peugeot estate i think it's a 2006 plate. please dont meet him he is very dangerous he also claims to have a 11 inch you know what. he is no looker.

this man is also obsesssed with nurses another woman i spoke to on chatbox said she met him and when he discovered she was a dental nurse would not leave her alone. he is really creepy and horrible when i saw him almost 3 years ago he said he was early thirties but he looked at least early fifties. when i reported him to the police the first time he made a call from a phonebox near walton lea threatening to rape and defile me so he is a real nut. take care and never arrange to meet him.

[information from separate post added by amy]
« Last Edit: 25 November 2010, 12:32:19 pm by amy »


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Re: potential dangerous man - Warrington
« Reply #20 on: 18 November 2010, 12:40:07 am »
Jeez - This saddo is still up to his old tricks then.
Its been a while since i logged in here, but every time i do theres new info on " Mr Warrington".

Thanks for the updates girls , hopefully this will save some naive newbie from going to his house , as i nearly did. Even though i was too trusting back then , the insistance on wanting someone "non-professional " and No Driver  set massove bells ringing.

Shelly - It prob the same guy yes . THats  great news that you googled it and got brought here , the more info on this guy the better !!
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