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Author Topic: potential dangerous man - Warrington  (Read 14617 times)


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potential dangerous man - Warrington
« on: 08 March 2008, 05:58:50 pm »
A guy called me to make a booking  He asked if I could buy a cane so i could spank him and he would give me the money back, i agreed.  He then told me to hold on and when he returned to the phone it sounded like he was having a wank he then asked me how i would get to him I said my driver would bring me then he was saying you don't need a driver etc. which made me get very suspicious we left the conversation at that - since then he has sent me text saying "what does your driver do if i booked an overnight" I refuse to text him back.  I
Anyway his number is 07816**1222
It sounds like he is looking for a girl who has no driver/security


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Re: potential dangerous man - Warrington
« Reply #1 on: 08 March 2008, 06:48:47 pm »
hi lucy
 ive also had contact and spoke to the same guy , called george ( he says ) lives in warrington , ive got his number stored in my phone , i wasnt surprised when i found it was the same guy , same number . I first got suss about him when he first emailed me , i wondered why the hell he would choose me when i live absolutly miles away , i told him its too far to come , im sure theres lots of girls on aw in your area ( cos im on aw), Anyway , a week later he emailed again , very polite , he said he was looking for a very certain type of girl looks wise , ok i thought , i gave him m y number , when i spoke to him he said he wanted either an overnight or 3/4 hours , i told him i would come for 3 hours my driver would bring me and wait discreetly nearby , at this point he said " no , thats no good , ive got nosey nieghbours , he made a million and one excuses about it , As you say , hes after a girl on her own , no driver , no security , so PLEASE AVOID HIM LADIES , HE SOUNDS LIKE A RIGHT CREEP. !!!
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Re: potential dangerous man - Warrington
« Reply #2 on: 08 March 2008, 07:56:29 pm »
Yes he e-mailed me on AW as well going under the name "willow7774"  I would have seen him till he started asking about my security/driver so glad I didn't


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Re: potential dangerous man - Warrington
« Reply #3 on: 11 March 2008, 01:33:50 am »
hi lucymay
   yeah as you say , same ID  on aw as he contacted me under , i would of seen him too until he said the " no driver " thing !! But isnt it great we can warn others about it on here ?? These guys wont realise we have these forums , well its a good thing we do !!
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Re: potential dangerous man - Warrington
« Reply #4 on: 14 April 2008, 01:23:54 am »
Hes at it again , sending texts and calling , the texts always say "will you do an outcall to warrington and bring a cane " . ive ignored the calls and texts also , i thought he would of got the message by now ? he obviously thinks we are all dumb and wouldnt think of saving his number or remembering him !! New girls please beware as he DOES sound quite plausible on the phone , thats until he gets to the part about " you must drive yourself NO DRIVER ".  The reson for this is nosy nieghbours he says , but when i pointed out the neighbours if there going to curtain twitch will probably see me arrive , either alone in my car or dropped off by a driver !! At thid point he makes his excuses and ends the call , to try contact you again months later thinking you wont remeber him !! Hes on the same number as before , i will give anyone full number if they pm me . I cant say what goes on in this guys head , but theres deffo something sinister about been so adamant that a girl must visit alone , and in my case miles away from her own area , late at night , One to avoid girls. He gets your details of adulktwork by the way .
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Re: potential dangerous man - Warrington
« Reply #5 on: 23 April 2008, 01:51:12 pm »
He has also deleted the adultwork profile - bad feedback? Don't know what AW name he will be using now.  Please becareful he targets people who live away from him


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Re: potential dangerous man - Warrington
« Reply #6 on: 09 June 2008, 01:43:08 pm »
I had a text from him yesturday

First one - "have i asked you would you visit my home in warrington Lucy. Im in my 60s"

he obviously doesnt remember the last few times he has called

I replied "yes I would"

then i get

"thank you. may i ask would you drive as id like you to park on my drive so nieghbours think your a relative"

He still has the same number


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Re: potential dangerous man - Warrington
« Reply #7 on: 07 July 2008, 02:05:36 am »
what a sad and THICK man !! haha ! hes thick , says the same things always and thats why he gets caught. Also said the same to me about " the neighbours thinking your a relative " . Theres something about this guy thats creepy - hence why no one will meet him so far !! Please avoid girls .
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Miss Penny

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Re: potential dangerous man - Warrington
« Reply #8 on: 11 July 2008, 08:44:32 am »
I have joined Saafe as a result of reading the warnings about this idiot in warrington.

I too have been recently contacted by him, initially through AW. He went by the nickname judder 777!
He wanted to know if I had a driver!!!

I gave my contact no, at the time I was unaware of the warnings!! He sent texts about the driver now my suspicions were aroused and later confirmed when I found this forum.

I blocked him from contacting me on AW and barred his no on my phone. As a result he called from his land line 01925****58. He is a time waster and potentially dangerous, stay well clear of this one girls.


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Re: potential dangerous man - Warrington
« Reply #9 on: 13 July 2008, 10:16:03 am »
This sounds like a guy who started emailing me in February this year. He didn't mention a cane but was really full on about the GFE. Said he was starting to fall in love with me etc. Anyway after discussing a few other details he started asking about driver etc. Said he had nosey neighbours and I would have to drive right up to the door so the security light would only be on me for the few seconds it took to get through the side door.

Just felt very suspicious. In the end I told him no way would I visit him since his emails were too heavy and I wouldn't go anywhere (especially in an area I didn't know) without my driver.

He made some very nasty personal comments in reply. He used the name George so guess it's the same guy.


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Re: potential dangerous man - Warrington
« Reply #10 on: 19 July 2008, 12:51:35 am »
Update on "George "
 as i see hes been harrasing other girls - yet agiain !!!
I got 2 texts yesterday , even though i have rebuffed him so many times i thought he would of got the message by now !! A sad wanker - but also a potential danger - he doesnt give up !! AVOID AVOID AVOID !!!!!! Please no one meet him as im sure hes some kind of pysco creep- also prays on girls he thinks are new , naive and vuneralble ( no driver ect) on Adultwork . First class creep !!
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Re: potential dangerous man - Warrington
« Reply #11 on: 19 July 2008, 02:58:34 pm »
Has any ladies told him that there's a warning on the forums about him? Maybe he needs telling that his pestering ladies has been made public. That might put a stop to him.


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Re: potential dangerous man - Warrington
« Reply #12 on: 20 July 2008, 09:54:28 am »
I am positive this is the same guy and he did get over bearing with the emails. I told him he was getting scary and I would not be interested in seeing him. He sent an email doing our profession down so I just told him to leave me alone. Haven't heard a squeak since. Some guys just need to be told but it does sound like he is getting worse.

Miss Penny

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Re: potential dangerous man - Warrington
« Reply #13 on: 25 July 2008, 04:01:41 pm »
This creep won't give up unless you are quite nasty with him. He tried phoning me a few times, in the end I told him that he will not get a visit as I had discovered that he is well known and talked about and he is considered a creep, time-waster and nasty piece of work!!!
I think he got the message as he has never tried to contact me again.
My suggestion would be not to say to much. He is obviously not very bright as he doesn't change his phone no or name. He will continue what he does and at least we know who he is and what he is up to. He may change his name and no if he discovers we talk and swap notes on the idiots we come across. Just a thought!


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Re: potential dangerous man - Warrington
« Reply #14 on: 01 August 2008, 10:00:08 am »
Has any ladies told him that there's a warning on the forums about him? Maybe he needs telling that his pestering ladies has been made public. That might put a stop to him.

Next time he rings - and im sure he will - ill tell him that !!
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