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Author Topic: Possible Robbery in Wembley  (Read 1324 times)


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Possible Robbery in Wembley
« on: 21 May 2022, 08:12:33 pm »


Area: Wembley

Car:  Small grey Audi A3 - had at least three guys inside

Description:  African Caribbean or Black mixed with something else (possibly Latino or Fijian)  - smooth milky chocolate skin, claims he's 34 years old, slim built and attractive features but has very large teeth

Initially wanted an appointment after midnight says he works the late shift.  Told him no. He then booked an hour's appointment at 18:30pm today.  Near the time he calls and asks about services offered. I reminded him his appt was nearly due and referred him back to my profile.  He actually showed bang on time and called as I requested for further instructions to get to my place. 

While talking to him, I can hear what sounds like other voices in an enclosed space. It spooked me adn I told him that I would meet him outside and walk him in as the building manager is on site in the concierge area.  He went silent and said that he will wait until the area is clear to come in and I said its fine I will come and get you to make it less obvious.

At this point, we are in Mexican standoff with me telling him I will come and get him and him kept insisting on door number. He got really shirty and said he wanted to come inside by himself and did not want to meet outside.  He said "just buzz me in and leave your room door open innit"  I felt uneasy by his street gangster tone but wanted to see how this would play out.

By this time, I went downstairs and was already in the garden path and could see him pulled in the lane with at least three guys inside the little car wearing those puffa jackets like in the grime videos.  I tried to keep him on the phone while I video taped them but when I told him I was coming down now to get him, he reversed and peeled out the parking lane really quickly. He hung up the phone on me and blocked me immediately on calls, texts and WhatsApp.

Be careful with him as he doesn't have good intentions and I don't think he's 34  by his looks on WhatsApp (looks younger).  Could have been a robbery situation or something even more nefarious considering he wanted to initially come after midnight.