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Author Topic: Possible danger zone-- Temper tantrum in Brentwood, Essex/London  (Read 2848 times)

Your Tera

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I have waffled about posting this because I don't know that he's actually a threat. In fact, he's had very good reviews. But, here's the scenario and my part in it.

Two weeks ago, I bid on his reverse booking and he's in Essex so from N. London it would be a long journey. His response to my bid was a query as to how I would get to him. We spent three hours back and forth discussing how to get to him (no actual address, yet) including the news just toward the end of the conversation, that he only had ?40 cash but would "give me the rest in credits." He was adamant that he uses AW all the time so would not muck me about. But, I really didn't fancy going such a distance for ?40 and --to be fair-- he'd still not offered his actual address.
I agreed that at a later date, when we could arrange it for early enough in an evening I would head down to him and accept his reverse bid fee, rather than my usual hourly.

For the last two weeks, I get occasional in-site emails from him and he has rung me up, once, without introducing himself as his username. He would email a quick hello and eventually I would email him back, which always prompted a follow-up email. Because the emails were not substantive, I would delete them. He emailed me back once, freaked out that I'd deleted his message and wondering if he'd said something wrong. I assured him that I was just an avid deleter.

So, the emails continued and yesterday he had another reverse booking posted. Whilst he waited for someone to bid (no one had), he emailed me saying it "would be nice to meet." For the dozenth time, I assured him I'd love to meet him and that as soon as I had some advance warning of his free time, and we could book, I'd be delighted.

He responded that he was free and available right then. It was 5:00 at night. I told him that I wasn't available and that within hours of wanting a booking was not advance notice. I also suggested he have a browse and see who was close and available now, as "many escorts" don't necessarily look at reverse bookings.

I felt bad. On the one hand, I was happy to be rid of him as he seemed scarily clingy. On the other hand I felt that HE felt we had some sort of status with one another, so I wrote later in the evening, having looked at his reverse booking for the day. I should not have meddled and I know that, but I was trying to guide him in a more successful direction as he still had no bids. I explained again that there were lovely women out there and that he likely wouldn't want me, anyway as I don't kiss and I don't do OWO. I know, I should have minded my own business... but this was his response.

"why dont you keep you big fat nose out of my life

what is this, you are fucking ugly anyway

i hate escorts that think they are better than other people,like you.

You wil let an old man stick his wrinkly cock inside you but wont kiss,
who the hell do u think u are"

And he's right, of course. But it's so often the milquetoast-seeming ones who are the actual threat. I have blocked him but his username and his location are still clear to me. I don't know if I should post it all on here?

I can tell you that he does do a RB periodically, so check the aforementioned location.

As I said, I don't know if he IS a threat or if I MADE him one and I have learned my lesson... stfu, Tera.


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Re: Possible danger zone-- Temper tantrum in Brentwood, Essex/London
« Reply #1 on: 07 August 2011, 04:14:54 pm »
I've had dealings with this guy too. And pretty much the same story as you. No address, no money, gets nasty.
Another idiot you should be happy to not have met.

Your Tera

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Re: Possible danger zone-- Temper tantrum in Brentwood, Essex/London
« Reply #2 on: 28 August 2011, 03:55:15 pm »
Note to all - he has changed his user name. PM if you want it.