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Author Topic: Portsmouth Rape - beware!!  (Read 2548 times)


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Portsmouth Rape - beware!!
« on: 23 February 2011, 01:20:25 am »
Hi, this happened a few months ago whilst I was working for an agency but I've only just come across this website and don't know if he's still out there...

It was a client who had used the same agency 5 times before. He came in and didn't offer money so I had to ask for it. He claimed the agency had offered a discount because he was a reg so I called agency and they hadn't at all. He claimed he didn't have the money so I told him he must leave earlier than arranged, which he seemed OK with.

During our meet he was very forceful and hurt me by biting and pulling me. He didn't force BB luckily, but was very rough during sex. I told him to stop twice and he continued, so I forced him off me and he threw me back on the bed and pinned me down until he was done. I noticed that he had taken the money back so confronted him, he claimed he hadn't and offered for me to search him - needless to say the money was in his pocket, but he said was different money (convenient). I got straight on phone to agency who threatened him but he never gave money back.
The guy was fairly young, late 20's/early 30's, Indian, quite abrupt but regular so was assumed he was OK. Number is 079401**789 - please PM me for full number. xx


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Re: Portsmouth Rape - beware!!
« Reply #1 on: 08 March 2011, 01:02:52 pm »
Oh that is absolutely awful.  Hope you are OK now.

Just checked my mobi and have been contacted by this bloke a few times last year wanting a booking in Portsmouth but I refused.  He had a foreign accent.

Be safe.

Adele xxx