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Author Topic: Portsmouth bloke I'd be wary about  (Read 1682 times)


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Portsmouth bloke I'd be wary about
« on: 22 March 2010, 10:13:51 pm »

Not too sure if I should be posting about this bloke in this section or not but it's been playing on my mind (and driving me near on insane) for a few days now, so I'm erring on the side of caution.

Got a message via AW from a bloke in Portsmouth who wanted to book me - nothing untoward about that, but I made it perfectly clear that during the day, text messages were more convenient and NOT to call me from a private number. So naturally, he called me continuously, which I ignored as a) it was a private number and b) I was with family. Unfortunately, as I pulled my phone out of my bag to switch it off, I accepted one of his calls and he proceeded to ask me a lot of intimate questions that in no way I could have answered, especially in front of a child, and explained to him that all the details he was looking for was on my profile and that the conversation was inappropriate at that time. I even said that I would call him back later but he went on until I told him to email me and put the phone down. Based on that alone, I wasn't going to meet him as my instincts, rightly or wrongly, were working overtime and if someone can't respect a simple request on the phone, there's no way on Earth I'd meet him in person.

Blocked the profile but kept his number on my phone; he then starts texting me from another number - I didn't know it was him and asked him how he got it in the first place; told me that it was his "work phone" and was still keen to meet up. Told him that this was not going to happen and wished him luck finding someone who can accommodate him, thought nothing more about it until I got another booking request from him under a different profile but same number. Since then, I've had 10-15 calls a day. Lost count how many text messages.

He's now been reported for having 2 profiles and harassment to AW and a male friend told him I wasn't working anymore but if this goes on, I'm off to the cops.  Name's apparently Stuart, numbers: 07916023*** and 07830462***. PM if you want full numbers.

Sorry if this wastes anyone's time but like I said; erring on the side of caution.
