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Author Topic: Opportunistic thief in London "Rafaello"  (Read 1177 times)


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Opportunistic thief in London "Rafaello"
« on: 16 December 2013, 08:16:02 pm »
This is to warn girl about a client who has been using the name "Rafaello" through various agencies in London. He is a well spoken, well dressed, Indian man who states he runs a successful photography business.

Two weeks ago, ?100 was stolen from my wallet in a booking. The client  desperately asked if he could have a glass of water, I came back upstairs and then he only took a sip. He then paid me for the job. Afterwards I went to the bank to find money missing from my wallet. I am very careful, but the client was very deceptive and came across polite and well mannered so I felt like I could not point a finger at him. I was very upset about the incident and my agency called him. He denied and the agency was very embarrassed.

I have since spoken to a friend who had the same man do the same thing over a cup of tea, he kept sending her up and down for a tea, then milk, then sugar. She had ?90 stolen from her bag. He was blacklisted from the agency used.

Although we both should of taken our bag with us, the client seemed very genuine and pleasant. Please don't be fooled like us!

And for the bizzare twist, he has admitted that he stole the money and will pay us back. Agency gave us we shall see what happens. Number  077319354**.
« Last Edit: 16 December 2013, 08:23:35 pm by Londonpartygirl »