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Author Topic: PHOTOMARK ON AW  (Read 3756 times)


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« on: 18 August 2008, 11:58:33 am »
Not so much of a warning but more of a timewaster grrrrrr they me so mad  >:(

So this guy places a reverse booking for a couple of weeks ago, he then cancelled on the morning of the booking saying that he had a problem with work and couldn't get away in time for the booking. No worries i thought as i hadn't set off yet so hadn't lost out on expenses such as petrol and childminder etc. Rearranged the booking for the following week and again it didn't go through as his battery was low OR SO HE SAID, hence it dying and him not getting the message through in time.

The booking was then meant to go ahead this morning, and lo and behold he has cancelled saying that his laptop has been stolen and someone logged into his account and made these false bookings. Seems a bit unreal to me.

He left me a voice message and sounded alright and such, yet how come he has positive feedback from previous bookings!?! Although what he doesn't know is that he has cancelled with me previously under a different name but somehow i gave him the benefit of the doubt
If anyone wants any details then please PM me and i will send through what I have.

Seems a shame that you never know who your going to meet until you get there yet they seem so nice on the phone when infact they are the total opposite


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« Reply #1 on: 12 September 2008, 01:46:00 am »
had trouble with this one too I'm very sure (although I can't login to check).

Complete timewaster