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Author Topic: Peter D of Polynesia/Tahiti - possible STD spreader  (Read 2432 times)


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Peter D of Polynesia/Tahiti - possible STD spreader
« on: 21 March 2011, 01:13:13 pm »
This one too. Firstly wanted sex cheap as if I were bleh like he. The "something for (near) nothing" sort, a bargain hunter. Nice try but I don't do charity work boyo. Should've walked asap, NEVER again as hagglers are NOT worth it. The way he sprawled proudly with his 5", paunchy belly, saggy ass and loose flesh. To my further revulsion he was shaved completely and on his genital region and upper thighs MANY little red bumps, not certain if from shaving or STD. The part I saw red over was he DEMANDED no condom and not to worry as he would not come in me. How stupid and suicidal did he think I am - ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? And as if he'd pay the bill if he knocked me up/gave me STDS. He MUST have SOMETHING to be suspiciously insistent. I left without refunding - AT THE VERY LEAST he doesn't know he's clean. Fee is lost by deliberately putting me at risk, only fair.

He is a 50 something Aussie or Briton, sandy brown hair, blue eyes, med height/build. Possible STD spreader using his dick as a gun. The Polynesias is breathtakingly exotically beautiful as its women and attracts some real creeps and degenerates to our shores the world over and I have distaste for "colonialist-exploiters" of us native girls esp. when they spread their pestilence.