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Author Topic: Proper Experienced Timewaster in Lower Richmond Road, Putney, London  (Read 1393 times)


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Right I'll try and keep this as short and concise as possible.

This guy rang me 3 weeks before last week(when I finally met him) asking for a 4 hours outcall. He came across very arrogant and aggressive so I didn't go as my safety is more important.

He tried again last week, he asked for 4 hours outcall again. We agreed 700, then even said my friend should come along as well, so we agreed total 1400. Then I asked he booked prepaid taxi and explained this was to filter timewasters, he became aggressive again saying why would he book a taxi after he has agreed to pay 1400. My friend and me didn't feel comfortable about it but we decided to take the risk.

I uber'd a car and it took about 25mins to get to him, this was around 11pm, fare was ?20. We got there, he started opening drinks blabla and then I was like lets get the money bit sorted, then he said we should give him an account number LOL. Then we laughed and said nahh we only do cash, he said how is he suppose to get 1400 from cash point then I said well you should have planned properly and had everything ready before our arrival.

After about 10mins of arguing saying thats how he pays other working girls blabla, even showed us confirmation text messages on his phone from his bank. Then I agreed to give him a sort code and account number on the condition that he showed me the confirmation on his internet banking page as soon as he clicked 'send'. But he said he doesn't get any confirmation except via text! He was already accusing us of wasting his time at this point.

Then he tried to show me a trail of texts from his bank. While he did that I sad hold on a second, then I clicked on the information button on the text and alas the messages that were supposedly from his bank was from another mobile number. He saved his 2nd mobile number as "Metro Banking Online".  I couldn't believe this!

Then I'm like really, call that number lets see, at that point he agreed he had wasted our time and we left! Taxi fare back was another 20. So we wasted close to 2 hours of our time and 40 pounds in total.

His number is 074054317**
He said name is David and he's from Moscow
I have his Facebook, twitter account and full address, PM me if you want to avoid this heartless guy!

Get money. Dress well. Stay humble :)