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Author Topic: London Kensington: Welsh guy from Quatar extremely annoying high on drugs  (Read 1408 times)

Aqua Allegoria

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Hello Ladies,

I had an incall tonight with this absolutely lovely sounding upper middle class guy working in Quatar. He's Welsh, in London for a few days "for fun", arrived tonight. Sounds very nice over the phone, middle 40s, very well spoken. Staying in a hotel in Chiswick.

He managed to sniff 4 times during 1 hour booking, in a very disarming boyish way. He left and 5 min later was back and my door. Yes blame my bloody good manners it was raining hard, he couldn't get hold of his mate etc and stupid me I let him in and into my bedroom so that he could call a cab!!!!! And of course he wouldn't leave! He was really high!

I'd say he's one of those guys who aren't really dangerous physically but better not to let them in in the first place. It ended with my flatmate calling through the door threatening with the police. He's easily 6feet tall and rather solid, huge beer belly of course.

His UK number is

Quatar number