So angry at myself for this!! Client messages on aw about a booking, he turns up and I knew I’d seen him before but couldn’t remember the details of the booking, he wasn’t sure wether he wanted 15 minutes or half an hour so got on with the booking without taking payment after the 15 minutes as he’s getting dressed he starts patting his pockets and I’d realised who he was and I knew what was coming

left his wallet in the car, I couldn’t even be arsed saying anything to him just said yeah ok and let him leave. He's done this too me before a while ago but he had contacted me by phone and last time he had to bring me my money back as he had left his watch at the side of the bed. Get the feeling by how easy it was for him that I’m not the only girl he’s done it too. Like to say lesson learned but I’m too bloody trusting
Phone number: 077136869**
Aw username: Jbank93