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Author Topic: No show, possibly unstable man Canary Wharf  (Read 1370 times)


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No show, possibly unstable man Canary Wharf
« on: 29 May 2015, 12:52:11 pm »
Two days ago he booked me for yesterday booking at 5 pm. Sounded perfectly fine on the phone and confirmed meeting in the morning as I asked. Later, he said he'll be 30 min late, I said fine. Then at 5:05 he's texting me he's there. I'm saying can we please stick to oryginal plan at 5:30, cos I'm just having my lunch right now? He said fine, but "I'll have to make it up for him". He kept texting me in quite rude manner.
At 5:30 I'm calling him as I said and he's saying he's in front of hotel. I told him room number and way to lifts. Then I'm waiting and waiting and after 15 min I got text "I'm getting money out of machine".
After another 20 min he shows up banging at my door. I'm not opening and he's calling me. I'm telling him I can't see him now cos he's over 30 min late. He was talking in very weird way, so fast I couldn't understand him. He kept asking me if I'm sure and why, am I busy later? Maybe I'll have next client?
He called me couple of times asking exactly this same questions (and if I have someone booked after him) in angry, very fast way, banging at my door in meantime.
Then I thought he's gone, but I heard weird noises at corridor, like someone is walking around slamming fire door on purpose. Idk if it was him, I was just afraid to leave my room.

His name is Scott, Canary Wharf area, phone number 07502831***

I know nothing serious happened, but he was talking and acting really weird. I don't think he's stable.


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Re: No show, possibly unstable man Canary Wharf
« Reply #1 on: 05 June 2015, 06:46:04 am »
He tried to book me too last week, he texted first in a polite way but i was not free, he seemed a little strange saying are you sure you are not free etc. when i made a tentative booking with him and asked him to call next day in the morning to confirm he didnt bother so i moved on then all of a sudden in the middle of the day he texted saying oh my bad i forgot to call can i still see you at xxx . He sounded rude and disorganised so i declined and he said keep well and stay safe....weird for someone you never met before.

To me he said he was Scottish ( could have been born here ), 43, married and overweight. Sadly i dont knkw what his voice sounds like.
 He might even have an Aw account because he texted at the same time as someone else who sounded similar emailed me. Will post if i ever find out.

Also he likes to book for 5/5.30pm possibly 6 and i am based in West End
Be careful with this one, girls
« Last Edit: 05 June 2015, 07:40:15 am by Rosamarriott111 »