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Author Topic: No money, Hounslow, West London  (Read 1790 times)

Wailing Banshee

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No money, Hounslow, West London
« on: 03 July 2012, 08:54:25 pm »
Had a man book tonight for 2 hours. When he showed up I ask for the money and he says it is in his jeans pocket and is all wet. I said that   didn't matter and he went on about the money being wet and I insisted that it didn't matter. I kind of knew at this point he didn't have any... He tried to look all shocked and offended and said that he has done this five times before and has always paid afterwards. I told him I didn't operate that way and wanted the money first. He eventually started looking for his wallet and then claimed that he didn't have it. Told him that he had better go. He did go to leave but as we got to the hall he grabbed my arms. I pushed him off and thank God he did then leave, not before grabbing my breast roughly.

He was probably aged 21-25 ish, said he was from Harmondsworth on the phone initially but also said, when he first arrived when I was trying to make small talk that he was from Hayes. He was fine on the phone, not exactly chatty, but sounded like a typical young man who might be a bit shy and inarticulate. He has very buck front teeth, shaved head, short- maybe 5,6, scruffy in jeans and a hooded top.

The phone number he used was 075655657**

I suspect he was a chancer, but he did grab me, and who knows what he might attempt with a more petite girl or someone who looked scared. I managed to stay assertive and look in control even though I was really scared internally. 

This is my first warning on here, so if there's anything else I can add do let me know.

Wailing Banshee

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Re: No money, Hounslow, West London
« Reply #1 on: 09 July 2012, 03:26:13 pm »
Un-effing-believable. The above man has texted me twice again asking for 2 hours at 8pm tonight and could I wear a nurses outfit and a thong (same request as before).  I am sure he is just stupid and has as list of escorts numbers and has forgotten he has seen me rather than thinks I am stupid enough not to have saved his number. Anyway just wanted to let you know he is still at it and to be cautious.

I have just ignored him.