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Author Topic: National Ugly Mugs: Sex Workers Free Anonymous Reporting Scheme/Number Checker  (Read 86691 times)


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For anybody who has had crime committed against them, there is now a free and anonymous means to report these incidents via the new National Ugly Mugs Scheme.

All sex workers may register, it's quick and easy and registration means you will also receive text or email alerts in the event that incidents are reported in your area to help you protect yourself. If you are attacked, harassed or robbed and don't want to go directly to the police or have access to a local sex work project, you can report offenders without fear of exposure or recrimination, no matter how or where you work. It's not meant to replace online warnings, rather to help us all share information together so as many people can access it as possible.

« Last Edit: 20 March 2016, 08:58:25 am by amy »


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I want to express my gratitude and and a really 5 star positive feedback
for the members of this scheme who today helped me to report a potential client who threatened me from adultwork website.

The guy started vey nicely by calling me babe and i normally dislike that attitude!
In his threat received online he said that he will book an appointment with me for an hour with nother Id, to break my teeth in my flat... then followed by few other swearing words.

I was assisted by Alex Bryce coordinator, and Ms Jq.... who works for the Nhs, and provides an excellent service from start to end, assisting sex workers of various categories.
Ms Jq... agreed to take me at the police station and I was worried they would judge me, or they would do some kind of further investigations about my work, my clients etc, however it did not happen.
The Police is interested only in the type of crime committed, the person's email, user name and member's profile, and i was assured by the officer that the person's Ip will be tracked and that he will be warned for Malicious intentions, or possibly arrested.

I also complained to adultwork website which does not seem to have a "report profile option", as any other website, apart from the blacklist. To contact them its quite a hard task, and you will have to go through the Faq and help centre, and all you get is an automatic answer.
It is best to contact them by this email if you have any complaints to get a human answer.
Adult work email contact

I received an email whitin 48 hrs from adult work saying that the offender had been warned.

Please do not be afraid to report offenders, and violent clients to the Ugly Mug Scheme, and browse their website to look at the great services they offer.
Thank you once again to all of you working at U.M.

Red KB

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So I've just logged onto Ugly Mugs for the first time and I've noticed there's no regional selection for the east/east midlands for alerts? Does this mean we're safe over here?!
We're women, it's what we do. I just get paid for it.

Anna Condar

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Now you can check numbers on national ugly mugs (if you are a member) with new number checker facility

Join national ugly mugs easily and for free at

Take care of each other

It doesn't seem to be working; it just asks me to log in when I already am logged in... :(


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Anna, the same thing often happens to me. Try again, but you may find that it has actually logged you in.
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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If you are already logged in, go to the panel on top of the page and ignore the login page, thats always there.
semi retired

Anna Condar

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Cheers, both!  ;D


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The 'log in' glitch is still there, can they not get it sorted out?It makes logging in to check a number a couple of clicks longer which is annoying.


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it wont send me a password HELP
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To the people complaining about problems with aspects of the NUM site - SAAFE is not linked to or run by the people at National Ugly Mugs, and nobody here can help with any technical issues the site might be having. They won't see your post, and we can't do anything.

Please contact them directly rather than posting about it here.


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How do I run a number through UM? I have a log in and Im searching through my area but can't seem to find an option to run a number through to see if anyone else has reported them.


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How do I run a number through UM? I have a log in and Im searching through my area but can't seem to find an option to run a number through to see if anyone else has reported them.

click safety tab then click number check


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Fantastic! I ll dowload the app, this is brillant!


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National Ugly Mugs (NUM)
Any sex worker can sign up to NUM for free to report any incidents and receive warnings about dangerous individuals and to gain access to the NUM number checker and email checker tools to screen clients.
What NUM does
?   NUM takes reports of incidents from sex workers and produces anonymised warnings which are then sent directly to sex workers and front-line support projects throughout the UK.
?   With consent, we share anonymous intelligence with police.
?   Our case workers, Jacqui (London ? working days Tues/Wed/Fri) and Shona (rest of UK ? working days Mon to Fri) can offer you support and can link you with police to make a full report if that is what you want to do. They will also ensure you have access to professional services if you have been a victim of crime.

To become a member and receive alerts:
Go to , on the home page, click Join today which will take you to the registration form.
?   Fill in the form and select which type of membership you require.
?   To receive alerts by SMS or e-mail please indicate this by providing your number/email address in the appropriate field.
?   Once you have submitted your registration you will be sent a password.
?   Your membership will be processed manually and we will inform you when we have processed your application and you can then log in using your username and the password that was sent to you. Usernames and passwords are case sensitive.

Please do not hesitate to contact NUM if you have any queries on or call 0161 629 9861. Our office hours are Mon-Fri 9-5:00. It is great to speak to our members and we are always happy to help where we can!


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 :'( I can't log into ugly mugs even after password reset. Something wrong with the website?