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Author Topic: Nasty London Guy Incall Escorts beware  (Read 2954 times)


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Nasty London Guy Incall Escorts beware
« on: 12 January 2010, 10:13:43 pm »
Got this via a friend at a London Agency

guy called saying he anted to make a booking then said  he was a photographer and owned some photos that he did not want on the site.  The agency asked hin to email originals to prove this and if this was the case  they would remove the profile.

Then apparently he ran an escort agency (talented guy eh!!) and started swearing and threatening the agency receptionist who hung up on him.

She called the girl in question who said a guy sounding similar came to her apartment the day before and found her independently and would not pay any money luckily there were two girls there who threw the guy out.

By the way he is not a photographer or agency owner but according to his number in google sells discount furniture in hackney ....  Classy!!!

Number is  07766  7**8**

pm ladies if you want full number.  Be careful out there!