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Author Topic: Multiple cancellation / numerous texting / messaging  (Read 7221 times)


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Multiple cancellation / numerous texting / messaging
« on: 10 September 2016, 09:59:29 am »
He uses his name as Kit or Chris interchangeably. His number 075959740**

Frequent texting / messaging on AW to book and then cancel - this happened a few times and this has to stop.  Discount seeker / initial rough sex - face biting.

When I first met him, he bit one side of my face quite hard, which had somewhat taken me aback. It was 30 minutes booking but he went way over ended up nearly an hour at that time. I was too intimidated to say anything at the time.  He was extremely rough stabbing my vagina without any sort of care.  Next time, he wanted to see me, I insisted an hour booking as I knew he was going to need an hour instead of 30 minutes.  He wasn't rough in this second booking but I was guarded. After this second actual meet, this frequent texting carried on asking for a booking, persistently only to have it canceled.  He's probably in his 80s and has too much time to spare.

He comes across as a pleasant older man on the surface and in his texts.  But he became such a pest texting me so often only to cancel the booking.  It appears that he does this as a revenge as he had taken grudge over not giving him an OAP discount, which he requested.  I politely declined that I would not entertain any haggling or discount.  I believe he took offence.

I was also hesitant to give him another booking after the face biting incident at the time.  Another client of mine commented that there's a man who frequently complain about me on a site.  The specific description of what he said was highly suggestive of this man.  PM me for his location / AW log in. 


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Re: Multiple cancellation / numerous texting / messaging
« Reply #1 on: 10 September 2016, 12:48:00 pm »
I know this man, he has other names usually very similar, or about enjoying life.

Seen him a couple of times, but has right royally messed me around over many years. One of his AW names has plenty of great feedback, saying what a lovely client he is. Yes he can be, but will let you down and show utter disrespect. He often claims to feel guilty and to be packing in punting. Some of the ladies who left good feedback have since banned him because of subsequent behaviour. Please pm me for other names and numbers. He has been doing this for at least 9 years, I thought he'd quit, but obviously not.


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Re: Multiple cancellation / numerous texting / messaging
« Reply #2 on: 10 September 2016, 01:00:58 pm »
I noticed that he regularly deactivates himself, presumably so that nobody can leave him a negative feedback or feedback only posts.  He does this regularly over the past few months.   The last time when he booked me on AW after sending me numerous texts, the booking was then cancelled a couple of days later.  I noticed straight away that he deactivated himself on AW, only to resurface within 3-4 days via persistent texts, asking to meet up.


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Re: Multiple cancellation / numerous texting / messaging
« Reply #3 on: 10 September 2016, 01:09:54 pm »
I noticed that he regularly deactivates himself, presumably so that nobody can leave him a negative feedback or feedback only posts.  He does this regularly over the past few months.   The last time when he booked me on AW after sending me numerous texts, the booking was then cancelled a couple of days later.  I noticed straight away that he deactivated himself on AW, only to resurface within 3-4 days via persistent texts, asking to meet up.

Yes this is his MO.


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Re: Multiple cancellation / numerous texting / messaging
« Reply #4 on: 10 September 2016, 01:33:59 pm »
What area please?


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Re: Multiple cancellation / numerous texting / messaging
« Reply #5 on: 10 September 2016, 01:50:22 pm »
He asked me for a regular discount on his first booking, I was new and agreed a lower fee. He didn't get in touch for about 3 months, when he next booked I came back from a personal commitment early (he booked short noticed, asked if I could specially see him), he came in sat down, all seemed ok then walked out saying he couldn't do it. No recompense offered. Then went on to contact me sporadically asking for another booking, another chance, lots of texts, very sensitive if I didn't respond, hard work often cancelled or started faffing around. Kept telling me he'd turned over a new leaf, or was going to stop punting because it wasn't for him.

I could write a book about him sorry!

I'm in the NW, I am almost 100% sure he's from the Lake District area of Cumbria and I suspect he's not difficult to find which boggles my brain. I also believe he sees women in other areas, and wouldn't be surprised if he's done the same with them.

Uses Hornblower and also various connotations of 'likeslife', likeslife 24/7 on AW as well as the first name already mentioned, also various email addresses which sound similar.

I also have this number for him 074294444**

« Last Edit: 10 September 2016, 04:21:49 pm by Mirror »


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Re: Multiple cancellation / numerous texting / messaging
« Reply #6 on: 10 September 2016, 04:24:36 pm »
I also have his email address if anybody wants it. 


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AW punter with positive feedbacks / constant messaging / known TW
« Reply #7 on: 23 September 2016, 09:27:53 am »
His AW log on is chrishornx. He calls himself "Chris".

He does have regular up to date positive feedbacks, which make you think he's 100 % genuine.  He does appear to enjoy writing his field reports on every single escort he sees and one was removed at the request of one escort. 

Constant messaging, several of them daily.  I thought he was TW from the get-go.  He was.  His AW name came up before under this section, apparently.   This man seems to have all day messaging escorts to mess us about.  He frequently mentions the Foru*s where he stated that he used frequently to obtain personal information on escorts and how they work / our screening process etc.  Made me sick, quite frankly. 


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Re: AW punter with positive feedbacks / constant messaging / known TW
« Reply #8 on: 23 September 2016, 09:39:40 am »
This could be the same man who has also used 'horn' as part of his name and email address

« Last Edit: 23 September 2016, 10:45:42 am by Mirror »


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Re: AW punter with positive feedbacks / constant messaging / known TW
« Reply #9 on: 23 September 2016, 09:47:05 am »
His number is 078794707**.


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Re: AW punter with positive feedbacks / constant messaging / known TW
« Reply #10 on: 23 September 2016, 11:06:23 am »
Where is he located?


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Re: AW punter with positive feedbacks / constant messaging / known TW
« Reply #11 on: 23 September 2016, 11:52:56 am »
In the North.


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Re: Multiple cancellation / numerous texting / messaging
« Reply #12 on: 29 October 2016, 10:25:49 am »
Received a booking request from the same individual.  Books and cancel numerous times, asking for a discount / physically abusive. A known for** user, who regularly grumble on escorts.

His AW nick: luvzagutime / 07596 9740** Chris / Kit who is known to live in Windermere
Issued a warning: any further contact to me, I will be in touch with the local police for causing a nuisance.


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Re: Multiple cancellation / numerous texting / messaging
« Reply #13 on: 29 September 2017, 08:17:30 pm »
Hi Ladie's

This guy calling himself Chris booked me tonight  changed his time twice and said he was having a meal with his partner which I thought was bit weird and he was staying at the Premier Inn in Newcastle   said he was ex navy officer with gentlemanly manners but would love a naught time  ,I didnt have good feeling about him and glad I checked his number
Thank you


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Re: Multiple cancellation / numerous texting / messaging
« Reply #14 on: 29 September 2017, 08:32:41 pm »
I have also had emails off him as well chrishorning and horning 24/7