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Author Topic: Most annoying man in the world - potentially dangerous!  (Read 2360 times)

sammy s

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Most annoying man in the world - potentially dangerous!
« on: 04 April 2011, 09:07:19 pm »
I thought I would post this man's number after writing about him in the Blather and Babble section. He basically showed up at my house unannounced whilst I was with my MUM! And proceeded in talking to her and hinting to her about what I did for a living. My poor mum was horrified but luckily belived the web of lies I had to spin her.

He had been a very good regular of mine for a long time and I really trusted him. Its a big shame that he turned out to be a prize C***.

Anyway, not only did he show up at my home, he also sent me a few nasty, patronising and threatening text messages (check out my origional post to read the details).

His name is Richard (which is his real name as I have seen his work profile before) and he is from the Chelmsford area. He is in his 50s and is actually quite attractive for his age. Tall, dark, Tom Sellick type, always turned out smartly in a suit and drives a Black Audi A3.
His phone number is 07973*07*53* and he has a well spoken but obviously Essex accent.
I think he would only book girls who live in and around this area as he has a busy job and can only make appointments on his lunch breaks, or the odd evening.

If you want any more info then give me a PM.
