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Author Topic: Messed with condom twice, potential bareback seeker, boundary pusher.  (Read 1685 times)


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Had a text off a client who I had seen before, he reminded me who he was and where we had met and I remember our last meet was around 3 months ago and whilst we were having sex the condom came off, it scared the shit out of me and at the time he seemed quite shocked, I had to end the meet there of course and got checked out etc, all clear thankfully.

Anyway, this man contacted me again for a booking and he seemed a nice enough guy and the condom slipping off could've been a genuine mistake so booked him in again for an hour and reminded myself to check the condom before I put it on and mid sex if I need to.

Get to the meet and all is good we have a chat and get down to business, but this time he is quite forceful from the way he kissed me and held his arm around my neck quite hard, also when fingering he tried to force fist me, which I DO NOT do. I'm very tight and three fingers can be painful, so I kind of pushed away and did something else, again didn't really think anything of it.

Then we get down to sex and first 5 or so minutes is fine but he's going quite slow in missionary, then he asks me to get on all fours so I do and within about two minutes he stops and says "the condoms fell off" I turn around and he has the condom in the palm of his hand. I knew from then that he had done it on purpose not only this time but the first time we met as well. I told him we had to stop there and then and he asked why, I told him I don't do unprotected sex and this is not safe. So I get dressed and he's still trying to wank in front of me! I told him straight up I'm leaving, didn't discuss anything in case he got nasty. He lead me to the door but as we were going through the hallway he said "When i book you again soon can we do it without again?"

I never do bareback so for him to even dare ask after he took the condom off was out of order! I left and blocked his number as soon as I was on my way home and safe. He's definitely doing it on purpose as condoms don't just fall off twice and the second time he was so calm about it. I've had enough stress these past few weeks as it is and this has just topped it all off.

He calls himself Jason/Jase aged around 38, white slim make, lives in Lower Gornal Dudley.
I have his full address if needed.
PM me for full number also: 078708928**