Hi Ladies,
A young, late 20s Indian guy I saw today. 5'8" I would say. Medium built. Office job.
He sounds perfectly decent on the phone and passed my screening. He did ask for watersports, I said no and he said ok not a problem.
He is simply very aggressive once he arrives. Will require spitting, deep throat, best part is he will say OWO is dangerous and he wants OW but then does OWO. Once he was getting ready to leave he told me I forced him and he was scared now and regretting it. Clearly more (or less) educated and good at playing games.
Important: he says he's new to this. Bullshit. I think it's a huge turn on for him to say he's never seen an escort before. Just wants to see how you react.
Things he suddenly wants once he's at yours:
Deep throat.
Oh well all sorts of domination I DO NOT have on my profile. Told him so.
It's all about the way he goes at it once you start having sex with him, clearly dangerous, I had a very bad vibe. And extremely offending/insulting attitude once he's "done" with you (his words!!!!) the guy left me in tears and we all know that's not easy to achieve!!!!
Phone number:
[Spaces removed from mobile number]