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Author Topic: matt (real13 on AW)  (Read 6093 times)


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matt (real13 on AW)
« on: 03 May 2008, 07:34:26 pm »
this guy booked an appointment with me several weeks ago.I was a bit wary at the time.He claimed to be a virgin and really wanted bareback,but i refused,so he suggested using a femidon,to which i agreed.
Twice,he no showed,claiming he was too nervous.I suggested he might need someone else,so wished him well for the future.
since then he has called me relentlessly.I have blocked him,so he cannot email me,but I was seeing a client this afternoon,and during the space of 5 hrs,he called 5 times.He will call anytime,day or night.
He has a quiet voice and a strong irish accent,although claims to live in the wolverhampton area.He spends a fortune on watching cammers,and from what I can gather,he has some VERY kinky requirments.
I'm glad he cancelled really,but wish he would leave me alone.I can imagine him doing this to others.
just a warning,as i really appreciate the warnings that you other ladies share.


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Re: matt (real13 on AW)
« Reply #1 on: 09 August 2008, 05:33:56 pm »
i bet hes no virgin , just yet another excuse men use to try and get bareback !!!!
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Re: matt (real13 on AW)
« Reply #2 on: 09 August 2008, 07:07:57 pm »
i bet hes no virgin , just yet another excuse men use to try and get bareback !!!!

Don't know about that LOL!  His social skills do not suggest to me that he would be able to find a woman willing to have sex with him for free!  The emphaisis on kinky stuff coupled with the constant use of porn would suggest also that he has no idea how to treat a real lady and that he is pretty pissed off about it.  Sounds like one to avoid. 


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Re: matt (real13 on AW)
« Reply #3 on: 12 September 2008, 01:47:15 am »
If he is still calling most phones let you block specific numbers.


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Re: matt (real13 on AW)
« Reply #4 on: 28 September 2008, 08:39:55 am »

 Jesus man- This makes me so angry.

All this bareback stuff makes me mad as hell- Are these men all so thick that they think their 5 minutes of thrusting are worth the threat and risk of a dozen diseases, for them and for us! I lived somwhere once that has an area with a HUGE HIV and IV drug use problem, it is awful. Something like half of the heroin addicts have HIV, I used to work in one of the neighborhood health clinics there, and it made me appreciate that a condom is as necessary as a seatbelt in a car, you wouldn't buy one without them, and you regret not wearing yours if you crash. Grrrrrrr...

 Sorry Rant over! not trying to threadjack, it's just that this makes me so so so mad.

« Last Edit: 17 October 2008, 04:37:58 am by Evie »

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Re: matt (real13 on AW)
« Reply #5 on: 24 November 2009, 01:24:52 am »
Adultwork is a disgraceful site: it encorages unprotected sex. When creating a profile on Adultwork the women are given the option to tick a box indicating whether they offer "bareback" sex. Therefore, this site is full of women offering unprotected sex. This is extremely irresponsible of those who run Adulwork.


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Re: matt (real13 on AW)
« Reply #6 on: 24 November 2009, 11:32:45 am »
Adultwork is a disgraceful site: it encorages unprotected sex. When creating a profile on Adultwork the women are given the option to tick a box indicating whether they offer "bareback" sex.

People who want to offer/seek unprotected sex will do so anyway. This is nothing to do with AW 'encouraging' anything; it is like blaming Exchange and Mart for advertising cars because some of the advertised cars are shitheaps. As you say yourself, women are given an OPTION to tick a box - this hardly constitutes 'encouragement'.

Therefore, this site is full of women offering unprotected sex. This is extremely irresponsible of those who run Adulwork.

Firstly, this is not true - a quick search there finds a total of 11575 females offering escort services in the UK, of which 1153 offer bareback in their 'Likes' list, or slightly under 10% of the total. Therefore, slightly over 90% of the total do not, and even allowing for the handful which do it anyway despite saying they don't, it's hardly a majority.

I don't offer bareback and don't know anyone who does, but I'm afraid that this is a free country and it is the prerogative of the advertiser to offer whatever services he or she is comfortable offering in order that the punter can choose whether to avail himself of them; unprotected sex is not illegal and I fail to see why these women present any more of a risk to us than the average Saturday night slapper. We have no idea what our clients (or their partners, or their partners, and so on) have been up to before they see us, and at least AW can give us some idea.

Well worth digging up and then hijacking a year-old thread for, that.