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Author Topic: Martin/Alex in Finchley  (Read 3930 times)


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Martin/Alex in Finchley
« on: 16 September 2009, 02:02:16 am »

Well, I think this guy is a classic example of someone who thinks they can charm girls into doing what he wants, and hasn't come up against the brunt of the SAAFE Codes of conduct!

 He started off quite friendly on the phone, but asking loads of questions, so much so I put the phone down thinking he was just a timewaster, but he called back and insisted he definitely wasn't wasting my time, and wanted two hours.

He was totally shocked by the price (even though I know he must have seen my site) and tried haggling it to ?200. It's been a bit slow, so I agreed ?250 as he was so close...but he kept saying he'd pay it, but he'd like longer, do I clockwatch etc... I was getting really peeved and told him straight it was ?250, for 2 hours. No extra time. 'Ok' he says, '?250 for 2 hours with a view to possibly staying a bit more if you have a good time, which you will cos its nice here and Im a good guy..' Nope, 2 hours, and thats all.

I should have just not bothered!

He was mashed on coke, kept trying to get me to take some, and didn't have the cash there. I had to give him a lift to the cash machine. He had ?40, which I took before he spent about 20 minutes showing me around his house and trying to play the keyboard! After all this, we finally went to the cash machine, and after more dossing around, he finally gave me the full wack.

This was annoying, but not as annoying as him trying to spank me, and get me to sub when I had already told him I dont sub on the job. I just dont find it safe as too many guys can get carried away. So he moans im not being 'creative'. Typical con man trick of massaging my ego 'Oh, you seemed so open minded on your site, so creative...'. Yes, that was before he turned out the lights, and slipped coke on his cock, which I didn't realise until it was at the back of my throat...

What followed was the typical example. He couldnt get it up, gets more frustrated and he ends up dashing around looking for porn.

I hadn't really done much by this point. I was just really really pissed off by the spiking, the fact he STILL kept trying to spank me, and him accusing me of not being 'creative' because I had no idea about what he wanted me to do...other than be subby, which I frankly told him was not going to happen.

So an hour trying to get the cash, about 20 minutes trying to get him hard, and then he brings out the blindfold...

Im not sure why he thought I would ever wear one when my bag with the money in was  on the floor at my feet, but he still kept trying to put it on me. I don't think he was actually going to steal the cash back, it was just yet another moment of watching common sense fly out the window.

Fortunately he then spent about 20 minutes trying to find a porn film to watch, (during which time I told him clearly enough that he had only a little bit of time left...but again, I think he's so used to charming girls - when he's not off his face - that he didnt think I would leave) whereupon I promptly walked out the minute the time was up. Even though he insisted I hadn't given him any warning...

I can't really explain this guy, because he wasn't mean or scary or angry at any time. He was quite pleasant, but just had no idea about why No Means No.

He told me his name was Martin, but as he was booting up his laptop for random porn clips, I noticed it said Alex. His number is 07831 8555**. He's 42, but looks younger, and lives in Central Finchley.

I've seen coked clients before, and normally it's all ok. They're either good to go, or just know when to admit defeat. Although this wasn't the best appointment, I'd have been alright with it and just put it down to experience. After all, in the end I didn't really have to do much for the money as he'd wasted most of the time showing me his recording studio set up. However, the coke thing on his dick was out of order, at the time I just didn't think about it that muh, but now I'm pretty fuming! It would be pretty dangerous to a lot of people, and I just remember that I'd even told him when he was offering it to me that I don't do it cos it gives me panic attacks, so even knowing that he still slipped it on anyway!

Anyhoo. I'm fine, I just wish I'd chastised him for it at the time. Still, he's the one who's thrown ?250 down the pan just to have someone slap his flacid dick around for 5 minutes! Pm me for number. Im not sure if he's BBW centric, but he was quite keen on them.


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Re: Martin/Alex in Finchley
« Reply #1 on: 16 September 2009, 10:12:51 am »
Wow!  Thanks for posting about him in case he does make the rounds.  To be honest anyone trying to overstep boundaries consistently on a booking warrants a warning.  However, the coke spiking incident by itself needs to be highlighted.  I don?t really like cokeheads as the few times I had nervy or not so great bookings were by guys who took it before or during a booking.  I cannot stand the stuff but also for health reasons would not be able to take it.  It can be extremely dangerous for asthmatics and some of the long term medication combined with coke can lead to a heart attack.  Hence his behaviour is nothing but criminal!  Glad you got your money and left at the time as arranged. 


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Re: Martin/Alex in Finchley
« Reply #2 on: 17 September 2009, 03:59:21 am »
However, the coke spiking incident by itself needs to be highlighted.  I don?t really like cokeheads as the few times I had nervy or not so great bookings were by guys who took it before or during a booking.  I cannot stand the stuff but also for health reasons would not be able to take it.  It can be extremely dangerous for asthmatics and some of the long term medication combined with coke can lead to a heart attack.  Hence his behaviour is nothing but criminal!  Glad you got your money and left at the time as arranged.  

couldnt have agreed with you more. This same scenario happened to me couple months ago. Client didnt have enough cash upon arrival and I had to give him a 'lift' to the machine. Then somehow the money got lost, and me and the client fought. What a nightmare....Fortunently Melody did not leave out empty handed.

Coke clients can be great, but at the same time I've gotten to the point where if and when I meet one I better be prepared to beat their ass if need be if they happen to get out of hand  >:(  And what a great way to get into the mood  :P


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Re: Martin/Alex in Finchley
« Reply #3 on: 17 September 2009, 10:07:51 am »
The cokeheads behaviour was disgraceful. Im no prude at all but hes not shown any concern for how his actions affect others. If she had been taken ill and not been able to identify the substance to a medic, it could have taken vital minutes away to save her from a life threatening situation.
Also, what if that had been the night that the police decide to visit? Or he could have dropped his bag and a child could have found it or a pet. Sorry if that sounds dramatic as it doesnt even make me angry, simply scared. Be careful out there guys and remember,"If in doubt, chuck the idiot out!"
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Re: Martin/Alex in Finchley
« Reply #4 on: 25 September 2009, 08:55:34 pm »
WTF was he doing turning the lights out!!!? And why did u let him!!!?

Please be careful & be safe everyone.



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Re: Martin/Alex in Finchley
« Reply #5 on: 25 September 2009, 10:18:15 pm »
WTF was he doing turning the lights out!!!? And why did u let him!!!?


It's easy to pass judgement when it hasn't happened to you. Nobody knows for sure what they'd do in a situation until they're in it.


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Re: Martin/Alex in Finchley
« Reply #6 on: 25 September 2009, 10:46:12 pm »
WTF was he doing turning the lights out!!!? And why did u let him!!!?

Please be careful & be safe everyone.


Easy Tiger.

As it is, he'd just put on a table lamp and wanted a little atmosphere. I meant he'd stood up and turned the main light off....nothing wrong with that. Normally. But it wasn't as bright as I thought it was going to be.

But Im not going to begrudge anyone from turning off a light to create a bit of atmosphere.

BTW, I have to say that reactions like that could really put someone off from posting about these idiots.

Rather than chastising a WG, I think we should concentrate more on the guys who put them in whatever situation they may be in.

As it is, the room was still bright enough to see the outlines of things - which I really dont mind, it really doesn't have to be *that* dark not to notice a bit of white powder on a floppy cock...

 I know what Im doing. But blaring at someone when they've been shaken up by something really doesn't make me want to come back and post about any of these guys again in case I'm held at fault like that. Which could be pretty dangerous to someone one day....

Fortunately, I'm not a newbie, and I would like to add to anyone reading who's not yet posted about anything which may have happened to them not to be discouraged.
« Last Edit: 25 September 2009, 11:07:40 pm by melody »


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Re: Martin/Alex in Finchley
« Reply #7 on: 28 September 2009, 04:38:44 pm »
I'm sorry. It did read a lot harsher than I meant it.

Didn't realise he'd turned a table lamp on, thought he was trying to get to you in the dark.

I can be a bit foot in mouth & no gears when I want to use brain syndrome!!

I'm sorry if I upset anyone.

Luv Kate xx