SAAFE forum

General Category => Warnings & Wasters => Topic started by: Amy- Manchester on 16 August 2015, 03:29:14 pm

Title: Manchester weirdo Goes by the name of Luke
Post by: Amy- Manchester on 16 August 2015, 03:29:14 pm
Hey ladies.
I just wanted to let you know about a strange character I met today.
This guy goes by the name of Luke, he's quite tall Asian approx 28 years of age . he also has the most disgusting yellow teeth !
Anyway this guys been ringing me all morning wanting to see me  . when he arrived he kissed me on the cheek,almost knocking me sick with the plaque coating and stench of his breath. He then asks 'how much is it love' then informed me he only had ?20 on him. He pretended to go to the cash point . he then proceeds to ring  me trying to get me to lower the rate to ?20 . lol he says 'he'll look after me'!
Here's his number anyway 074795536**. He drives a little red car aswel. Avoid  x

[Mobile number censored - DO NOT post identifying information here]