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Author Topic: Manchester: Guy just tried to rob me/take money back  (Read 1287 times)


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Manchester: Guy just tried to rob me/take money back
« on: 10 March 2014, 07:07:20 pm »
I can't remember the name he gave me... but his number is 075283992**. I think he found me via Viva Street but he seemed to know about Adultwork.

White. Sandy-blond short hair. Tall (6'1") young-looking 25. Skinny. Is a joiner and arrived in dusty work clothes. Has a big scar/crooked bit where he'd broken his collar bone on his right side.

Seemed very sweet. I enjoyed the session. He asked for a glass of water and I went to get it and remembered the money was still on the dresser. When I got back he was just lacing up his boots. He asked for another glass of water and this time I grabbed the money. Said he was very thirsty so I got him a big glass. When I came back I put on my robe and put the money in my pocket. I suspect that my actions inspired him to want to go for the money. At the door he started kissing me again. Pinned my hands up and and talked about going again. He had time left, so I agreed but I was now thinking about his hands and my money. I threw the robe across the room and started to unbuckle his trousers. He said he wasn't so sure after all. Went back out and I hung my robe up as we walked back towards the door. Then he started kissing me again and pushed me back into the bedroom and asked for more water then said he'd get it from the bathroom. He passed the hanging robe and on the way back into the room thrust the glass of water into my hands and went for the robe. I snatched it back and started snarling and yelling and just generally went feral on him so he left without a word.

I've still got the money and he didn't hurt me but it was scary and I'm really shook up that what had seemed like a perfectly sweet kid had done that.

[Mobile number edited to remove space]
« Last Edit: 10 March 2014, 08:46:36 pm by amy »