Had a possible HR and oral only booking today. All was fine with security checks etc so when the bloke turned up at my house I was definitely not expecting what happened next.
He caught sight of the bunny litter tray (the lady i rent from has an extremely well trained house rabbit) which is at the bottom of the stairs. The man started shouting at me saying i was a deceptive bitch bla bla bla. Unfortunately at this point the rabbit and cat came out to see what the fuss and noise was about - the client totally flipped out, smacked me in the face and demanded he be let out. Of course i let him out and locked the door behind him.
He then knocked again - at which point i told him (through the letter box flap) under no uncertain terms was he to knock on my door again - he has assaulted me and if he did not leave now i would be calling the police. The man left, but not before i got his license plate details down.
I've been left with a nice lump on my jaw, which will probably turn into a bruise. His number is: 077176536**. If anyone is interested i have his license plate details, as i mentioned above.