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Author Topic: Maidstone - elaborate hoax  (Read 2734 times)


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Maidstone - elaborate hoax
« on: 13 April 2011, 06:02:09 pm »
Yesterday I had a guy ring up for a late night appointment.  I could not do it so he asked for the earliest I could do this morning.

I asked him to confirm by 7.30am this morning and he did.  So far so good for a 9am appointment.

9am comes and goes and at 9.08 I get a text to say he is on his way.  I reply where are you and he rings and says he is stuck in the traffic in town.  Plausible. Rings 10mins later to say where he is, ok.

Then rings for more directions as he gets to the road. Now 9.25.  I see a van pull up opposite my house.  A guy get out of it, he is seemingly on the phone.  He walks to the house and I open the door.

Comes in, say good morning and ask if he wants a drink.  Says no.  Ok fine, give him a small kiss and ask to sort out the paperwork.  "where do you want me to start?" he asks. Sorry?, with the paperwork obviously.

He then says he is an electrician come to quote for a re-wire and what is the kiss all about.  I say I think you have been done mate, so to speak.  He says he has been on the phone to the house owner just one min ago and told to go in the house opposite.  He shows me the phone log, showing he has had 3 recent calls from the same number as I have, reckons he has been hoaxed and has driven up from Deal on a wild goose chase. I ring the number but it rings unanswered.

Show him un-ceremoniously the door.  Send a text saying wa**er, and get one straight back saying "y?".

The more I thought about it, the less likely it was that he was a random electrician. It was clearly him, having left his phone in the van and no doubt ringing homself backwards and forwards after speaking to me. Why else would he have taken pains to show me his phone log, why would he not have rung the bloke instead of waiting for me to do so. Who would drive up to Maidstone from Deal for a quote without a full address.  A very elaborate look-see.  Very disturbing as clearly lying to my face shamelessly.  Good job I do not dress prevocatively to answer the door.

No name - but number is 07979***060. Pm for full number.

The guy was dark haired, slim build about 30, white van with roof ladders.


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Re: Maidstone - elaborate hoax
« Reply #1 on: 13 April 2011, 07:18:35 pm »
Also - a genuine tradesperson, even if it were someone with lots of private fantasies about a porn star opening the door, would probably have jumped back really surprised if someone that he assumed was a regular person needing work done suddenly started kissing him. I can't say I've ever greeted the plumber like that. In fact, I'd expect a genuine tradesperson to introduce themselves properly on the doorstep - most of them are aware that if the only resident of a home might be a single woman, it's a good idea and respectful to show ID etc before just wandering on in.

Pretending at the last minute to be a random electrician is well weird. Just an excuse to run off if the escort asks for money up front? Lame. Glad you're okay though, anyway! :)
Disclosure: The other person behind

abbie indie

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Re: Maidstone - elaborate hoax
« Reply #2 on: 13 April 2011, 08:00:05 pm »
Pandora he sounds like a total tosser but yeah I think you are right, he probably was looking for the thrill of coming face to face with a 'real live escort'  ::). So pathetic.

Glad your ok and try not to drive yourself mad wondering what it was about , alhtough I agree it is  creepy that he went to such lengths so do keep your wits about you. Makes me think he wants to get off on bewildering you  with his 'cunning masterplan'. (As if. What a saddo). So I think the one word 'W****r text and ignoring his confused response was the best thing as he was clearly trying to draw you into something and you didn't give the satisfaction.

I  think its really unlikely you will ever here from him again but if you do just say that you have his reg and face from your surveillance camera, and will go to the police if you here from him again.

Glad you are ok xxx

abbie indie

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Re: Maidstone - elaborate hoax
« Reply #3 on: 13 April 2011, 08:30:00 pm »
hmm second thoughts, scratch that security camera bit, I don't suppose clients would be happy about having their face on film without informed consent?   Just the Van reg would be enough probably  if it came to needing to say anything xx


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Re: Maidstone - elaborate hoax
« Reply #4 on: 13 April 2011, 11:44:06 pm »
My God Pandora what an absolute tosser titface of a human being! I would say without a shadow of a doubt your non appearing client and your 'electrician' were one and the same. I don't believe in coincidences anyway and this would have been the biggest in the world ever!

God it is truly scary to think such utter weirdos are out there, well done you for handling it so well though. Hope you are OK and haven't combusted in utter rage as I would have in the same situation.


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Re: Maidstone - elaborate hoax
« Reply #5 on: 15 April 2011, 09:07:45 am »
I must say this one did annoy me for over 24hrs!

At least it was first thing in the morning and apart from making me get up a bit earlier my day was not wasted.  Would have been even more angry if he had booked for mid morning and  I had paid someone to do my horses.