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Author Topic: Look, grope and run-durham  (Read 1215 times)


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Look, grope and run-durham
« on: 17 January 2022, 05:35:33 pm »
Fat, tall, Scottish man. Short hair, full grey beard and very scruffy looking. Would say he is late forties/early fifties. Messaged me up until meet and arrived on time. Came in and instantly groped my ass and kissed me (just got my cheek, as i dodged). Came upstairs with me and he went to proceed. I stopped him and requested that he pay me first. That's when the excuses started happening. First he asks for 30mins instead of an hour, i said that was fine (annoying, but whatever). Then he goes 'can i pay via bank transfer?'. I said yes, as a number of my clients pay that way. I am guessing he was expecting me to say no, as he started making excuses not to pay via bank after that. Then he asked if i take Scottish notes and i also said yes. Again, i think he wanted me to say no, as he started making more excuses. Final one was the whole fake patting himself down and the 'I've left the money in the car, can i pay after'. Safe to say I saw him out and he instantly blocked me on adultwork. If he has just come to the door and left, i wouldn't have been as annoyed, but he made a huge song and dance about it and groped me and was trying to get service before payment.

His adultwork user is scotboy**
A negative feedback has been left for him, so should be easy to spot!

Goes by Mark M

Number is 077329623**

Pm me for full details x
« Last Edit: 17 January 2022, 05:40:38 pm by LittleMinx2 »