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Author Topic: London Whitechapel - left bag of weed in my bathroom  (Read 1834 times)


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London Whitechapel - left bag of weed in my bathroom
« on: 21 December 2020, 11:46:00 pm »
Met this guy earlier in April/May, i didnt know about this site then and I couldnt remember what name I had him saved as until he decided to harass me with emails this evening proposing "a business deal as things maybe slow for me with covid"

We met 3 times at first , the 4th time asked if he could hang out in my flat i said no, he then asked if he could sell weed out of my flat!!! and in turn get me alot of clients... the cheek of him...... I told him never and not to ask me again.
He showered and left . I went in my bathroom opened the cabinet found a black carrier bag  which had a toothbrush and small parcels in it. I immediately binned it.

He calls the next day and asks if I found his wristwatch , he thinks he left it at mine and its worth a lot of money. I told him I found a bag with no watch in it and i had  binned the lot.

He became irate on the phone saying he is calling the police, he is coming round with his boys etc so i cut him off and blocked him... I was worried and spent the next two days checking every part of my flat he had access to make sure he hadnt left other things in my flat

In July he made a booking with another email and mobile number, he turned up at my door i didnt recognise him through the peep hole as he had a mask on , when he took it off , i asked him to leave , he said only booked me to say sorry as he had found his watch yada yada yada. I still threw him out as i didnt know what his game was this time .

He would email me now and again saying he would like to meet  i have ignored all his emails. And he has more or less left me alone from September till today, pissing me off with his so called business proposition.

Need to be careful of this chap, think he was trying to entrap and maybe blackmail by leaving his weed and lying about missing watch, obviously a dubious character

He is British Pakistani Asian (so he said )

Said he lives local to Whitechapel

Claimed to be 25 but looking back at his immaturity maybe younger.

Not tall  - about 5feet 2inches, always wears black with white stripes adidas track bottoms

Emails -

Numbers - 078602024**, 077036456** and 077577869**
« Last Edit: 22 December 2020, 02:44:21 am by Ziezie »