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Author Topic: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay  (Read 157885 times)


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #15 on: 22 July 2012, 01:46:12 am »
 I have seen him also when i first started a few years ago! i demanded the money like others n he did same thing "on the phone", i said i would go if he didnt sort the cash out n i was a bit confrontational n he pushed me out the flat! This was when i first started so he must have been doing this at least 2/3 years. Its not right he shouldnt be able to get away with this. Unfortantely i cant remember his address as he picked me up from kc station. Hope he gets caught this has been maybe only 1 of the 4  crappy experiences with men i have had.


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #16 on: 05 February 2013, 04:15:11 pm »
Hey he just contacted me using AW user name: Stephen_666-xxx on mobile number: 079746126**
I only caught on from his profile ID number

Thanks for the warnings everyone :) x
Least I'm not working at McDonalds <3


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #17 on: 05 February 2013, 11:14:26 pm »
I had this same guy,
Stephen _ something or other

beware, he tried to get an all nighter when I was new.


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #18 on: 14 February 2013, 06:31:17 pm »
Hi there - I put up my AW profile midday today and within 2 hours he'd sent me an email asking to book an overnight - I sent him my work no asking him to call instead he sent 3 emails one after the other asking me to call, wanting overnights and willing to pay more than my rate - all the classic timewaster/scam stuff, fortunately this site had prepared me and I just blocked him.
He was using stephen 666 or similar as username, from Kensington and Chelsea area.
thank you Saaf and stay safe girls.


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #19 on: 07 March 2013, 01:45:52 pm »
Oh my gosh. I had this guy contact me not long after setting my profile up. And I have a mobile number for him. And I'm up North, so he's not just targetting London lasses.

His username is Stephen_666-XXX and here's the type of messages he sends (alarm bells rung because his messages were almost cryptic, bad english I thought?) I live up North and he offered me almost double my overnight rates to travel to London for the night, at which point I told him I don't travel that far, & he was persistant so I told him that he could travel up here, get a hotel and pay me my going overnight rate for much less than he offered me to come down.. at which point he sent me his mob #.

"We meet sexy out Overnight what day free to get with me do let me know xx"

Hi Stephen,

Do you mean a meet at your place for overnight? I am free wednesday night & friday night

"Yes babe its Overnight outcal we meet in London xxx"

Sorry hun can't travel that far atm x

"When ever ready we meet Overnigt London it will be ?1200 xx"

My fee for the night is only ?650. It would be much cheaper than ?1200 to travel up here and get a hotel for the night. Thanks -

"07974612xxx" (if anyone wants his full number, just pm me).

Knew he was a dodger from his first message, but thought I'd see what tricks he pulls as I need to get used to these just starting out - be safe girlies xxx

Tabby Kitten

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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #20 on: 08 March 2013, 03:39:57 pm »
Hi all,
Had two emails from Stephen 666-XXX, exact copies of what he sent to Sady, but I don't meet with anyone who can't write one simple sentence without spelling/grammar mistakes, and calls me 'babe', 'baby' or 'sexy', instead of my working name. Also, his notes on AW convinced me he's TW/dangerous.
Keep safe ladies!

Miss Bentley

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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #21 on: 11 March 2013, 12:13:59 am »
I also saw this man for an incall in chelsea last week, sadly had not read your warnings at the time, i was fortunate enough to send him away for not wanting to pay by cash before anything happened but my sympathies to anyone else who has fallen victim


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #22 on: 13 March 2013, 12:11:39 am »
I'm pretty sure I vaguely remember being contacted by him a long time ago, but as someone else said I don't take bookings from clients who can't right proper emails either.[off topic comment removed]
« Last Edit: 13 March 2013, 04:51:08 pm by amy »


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #23 on: 14 March 2013, 10:03:07 pm »
Can anybody who has met this man (Adultwork user number 1426819, current nick thought to be Stephen_666-XXX) please contact me either by PM, or for any non-members who may be reading this via our email at asap?

Will provide further details off the forum :)


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #24 on: 15 March 2013, 12:06:58 pm »
Ive written on here before about this guy, he did the same to me.


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #25 on: 21 April 2013, 10:02:45 pm »
Hey girls, I'm based in NW and he contacted me for London outcall November when i was new last year AW profile Denzel_Qx hope he gets stopped x

Sarah sweeties

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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #26 on: 22 April 2013, 08:25:00 pm »
Adult work name Jerome_669, number 07583762***. About 5'7 ish, black, thick accent.Will say he will pay you by ransfer but doesn't.
He lives in Kensington/Chealsea area, email me for full ddress, tends to wear a bow tie (i know!) and has an accent that was hard to understand. I got to paddington at around 9.30 pm and we walked back to his which took like 30mins and two buses, which sent alarm bells ringing becasue he said we'd get a cab.
 We get there and he tries to make me drink red wine, which i don't because i don't drink and work, and i ask for my money, upfront as you do. Two overnights is ?2000 and he says his bank won't allow him to take that anount up at once and he will transfer it to me, so he takes my bank details. I take his word for it as he's been going on about how nice he is and he seems ligit and lives in Chealsea so obviously has the money.
So i have sex with him several times, but he's A) huge and B) shit and he rips my downstairs up, which means ican't work for a couple of days while it heals over.

So i offer to go, as can't have sex for a few days, and he'll justpay ?1000, which i think is pretty reasonable as i can't work for days after this. He sas no he wants me to stay but then spends the whole day dragging me around London, doing chores and showing me the sites while i'm in quite a bit of pain cause of the bleeding and the walking.

We go back to his at abou 8 ish he tries it on, i say no, we've had this talk and go to sleep. Next day he walks me to the train station and says the money will be there Monday. It's now Friday, i have no weekend work money, I still can't work cause of the rip and he's blocked me on AW and won't answer my calls.

Idiot gave me his address tho.

Don't work with him, seems legit, but he ISN'T!!!



[Title edited for clarity]
Jerome 669 i defoo know him he did to me about 1 and half yrs ago met me at st pancras station black guy broken English same height as you described wore a tie very well groomed told me he worked for magazine company. When i met him i asked him for money up front. He also told me the same can,t get the money as to do it bye bank transfer so like you believed him. He dragged me rd London sight seeing hopping from 1 bus to another to finally the last bus we got on heading towards Chelsea. When i got bk with him to his flat he also offered we red wine and fruit lol and sh**ged the life out of me for hrs. Never got any sleep morning came took me bk to the station telling me my money will be in the bank the next morning. It never came he blocked me on aw and everytime rang he ignored me the b**tard can.t believe he still doing it he needs to be reported i wished i did i felt ashamed and stupid but he as got to be stopped before he does it again !
« Last Edit: 22 April 2013, 11:53:26 pm by Samanthasweetie »
im such a sweetie pie

Sarah sweeties

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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #27 on: 22 April 2013, 09:06:55 pm »
yep jerome 669 and I do have the same number for him as well actually-He met me at victoria station and took me on some long bus ride followed by a long walk as well-I think the idea is to disorientate you so you don't remember where his place is to find it again-I think the chealsea place and the wandsworth place might be the same flat-he told me he lived in Chealsea too and I was so disorientated that I didn't know where I was but after I left I went to a nearby petrol station and asked what area it was and they told me wandsworth-pretty sure it's a council flat as well cos of the dirty stairwell etc
Top floor is that correct I think we shouid go to the police but saying he did it to me yr and half ago and can,t remember exact date or got his no I remember the time we met and what time I left the next day !and since then i had a brand new profile setup. But im more than happy to come forward and be a witness if the police gets involved stop him in his tracks !
« Last Edit: 22 April 2013, 09:44:18 pm by Samanthasweetie »
im such a sweetie pie


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #28 on: 01 May 2013, 10:27:09 am »
Adult work name Jerome_669, number 07583762***. About 5'7 ish, black, thick accent.Will say he will pay you by ransfer but doesn't.
He lives in Kensington/Chealsea area, email me for full ddress, tends to wear a bow tie (i know!) and has an accent that was hard to understand. I got to paddington at around 9.30 pm and we walked back to his which took like 30mins and two buses, which sent alarm bells ringing becasue he said we'd get a cab.
 We get there and he tries to make me drink red wine, which i don't because i don't drink and work, and i ask for my money, upfront as you do. Two overnights is ?2000 and he says his bank won't allow him to take that anount up at once and he will transfer it to me, so he takes my bank details. I take his word for it as he's been going on about how nice he is and he seems ligit and lives in Chealsea so obviously has the money.
So i have sex with him several times, but he's A) huge and B) shit and he rips my downstairs up, which means ican't work for a couple of days while it heals over.

So i offer to go, as can't have sex for a few days, and he'll justpay ?1000, which i think is pretty reasonable as i can't work for days after this. He sas no he wants me to stay but then spends the whole day dragging me around London, doing chores and showing me the sites while i'm in quite a bit of pain cause of the bleeding and the walking.

We go back to his at abou 8 ish he tries it on, i say no, we've had this talk and go to sleep. Next day he walks me to the train station and says the money will be there Monday. It's now Friday, i have no weekend work money, I still can't work cause of the rip and he's blocked me on AW and won't answer my calls.

Idiot gave me his address tho.

Don't work with him, seems legit, but he ISN'T!!!



[Title edited for clarity]

I've seen this one, had a bad gut feeling when was on the bus with him, and when he got of I turned to buse driver and said please drive.

sexy selina

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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #29 on: 01 May 2013, 02:23:56 pm »
I saw him,when I was new.Talked at a million miles an hour,like he was either unbalanced or on coke,took me on a bus tour of London before arriving at the flat in wandsworth/chealsea.I could see he was a timewaster when he'd talked for 3 hours and not given me the money so I drank all his wine and left