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Author Topic: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay  (Read 157887 times)


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #60 on: 17 December 2014, 10:52:19 pm »
I cannot believe I read this entire thread and this guy has been getting away with this for over two years!!!
I'm not even sure how...

Anyway, is there not an option to report this to Adult Work and they block his IP?  It's not a one off it's happening so regular they will surely take heed.

How does one search on there using the I.D. number? The format of that site is like a jumble sale, so confusing


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #61 on: 18 December 2014, 01:58:48 am »

Anyway, is there not an option to report this to Adult Work and they block his IP?  It's not a one off it's happening so regular they will surely take heed.

Don't rely on them (although we can live in hope) - verified ladies need to be leaving notes for him, and feedback if they actually met him through a verified booking.


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #62 on: 18 December 2014, 08:09:46 am »
Cheryl, you can ask questions about using Adultwork by starting a thread in the Adultwork section - please don't start off topic discussions here :).

Back on topic now, please.


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #63 on: 18 December 2014, 09:03:07 pm »
I did contact adult work regarding this individual and sent them the link to this chat sot hat they can see the pattern. Hope this will help stop him. Worried he will continue.

International Whore

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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #64 on: 10 January 2015, 07:04:41 pm »
This oxygen thief just contacted me ... these are his details. m*********  AW username: Maartinns_Y#88

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« Last Edit: 10 January 2015, 07:32:21 pm by amy »

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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #65 on: 10 January 2015, 10:29:10 pm »
Just logged onto AW ... he has sent me 15 emails and his mobile number. 075387583**


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #66 on: 12 January 2015, 05:01:47 pm »
Yup thats him Claire, he's dangerous.


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #67 on: 07 March 2015, 04:03:03 pm »
Just been contacted by him - one line email referring to me as 'babe' so would have gone straight in the bin anyway but he has a bunch of negative notes warning about him as well.

Still using the Maartinns_Y#88 username. ID number is 2623052


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #68 on: 10 May 2015, 05:47:09 pm »
I've had contact from him on AW in the past week too.

Asking for overnight outcalls, quite poor grammar, spelling 'outcal', lots of 'babe' and 'darling', never actually answering any basic questions about firming up a booking (when? where? how long?), just lot's of vague 'yeah whenever you're free babe, whenever is fine'

AW ID is still 2623052, nickname 'Maartinn_[a bunch of random characters]', and if what he's told me about calling me at one point is true (it might not be), currently using a phone number 074744244**


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #69 on: 23 May 2015, 11:54:19 am »
 Unfortunately I too have encountered this awful man. Luckily enough I realised his scam before we even did anything. I told him in advance to have cash as I wouldn't trust a punter to transfer money into my account. As soon as he started blabbering about the whole bank issue I said I was leaving. Almost lost the last train from Marylebone because of that disgusting idiot.  :-X

This oxygen thief just contacted me ... these are his details. m*********  AW username: Maartinns_Y#88

[Email address censored - please read the board specific rules before posting in this section]
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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #70 on: 24 July 2015, 05:32:09 pm »
Sad to report he's still out there. I also got contacted under the Maartinns persona, but refused to give me any proof of his home address (which he claimed he wanted me to come to, but was going to 'escort me to from the station' so I blocked. Reeeeeally glad I did now that I've read this.

Be careful everyone. He's definitely still out there.

Hakuna Matata

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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #71 on: 31 March 2016, 06:25:12 pm »
OMG it's him!!!

like I've read before in this thread : HE IS BACK !!!under the name of maartin as katie_darcie1990 said before...

Details : 079092686XX living in battersea near Clapham junction.

I am so sorry i didn't know this forum before and didn't know anything about this alert, I would have done what I've done...

I can't believe he has been doing that for nearly five years!

I will describe that night even if it 's really similar to any previous description before..he sent me like five mails on Aw few hours after my registration. As said before he must have settings to have notifications when there is a newbie to scam, which is for me unacceptable from AW.

I was a bit surprised someone directly ask me for an overnight, but since I am not used to these kind of websites since in my country prostitution is illegal, i felt glad that i will directly start working via a propper escort advertising website. I know i should have been more carefull  :-\

So we met in Victoria station, we took a bus (170) stop in York gardens. I should have get off the bus at that very moment because taking a bus instead of a cab looks terribly cheap when i think about it now. After a walk with him talking a lot, showing me CCTV saying that it's safe and stuff, we arrived at his rathole flat, really stinky stairs, he's living on second floor.

He offered me wine, real crap wine. And grapes.. He likes fruits a lots, eats bananas when they are green...he his really talkative so i know a lot about his habits  ::)

I asked him for the money upfront and he answered me vaguely that he will deal with this the day after. here again i should have run away, i know.
We watched Love from Gaspar Noe then me tired of listening to him talk talk talk I said ok let's do somethin else...

The only thing that sounds different to me than the other girls before is that he's not that big. but it's just a point of view as i really enjoy BBC  ;D
We started with a condoms, but in the dark and on the second round i realised that he took it off. There again i should have run away..i know girls i was so gullible that night. Please don't judge me i know i did a lots of mistakes that night and I'm worried about it a lot, as he might not be clean and...well that's not the point here. I did not bleed and it wasn't that rough, but again it a matter of point of view.

In the morning i wasn't in a really good mood, i wanted to go home and i told him we were going to the ATM. We did, we went in Victoria, in barclays, but of course on sundays banks are closed, he faked a phone call in front of the ATM (i was like wtf???), then told me i will do me a bank that moment i was doubting a lot, like he's fooling me right now what can I do??but in some part of my brain I was still thinking that will work.

On Monday he sent me a text 'i done it'..even if i m not native English speaker i know there is something wrong. Then i sent me another saying they need city of IBAN. Sooo if it 's done why the bank is still asking for details????i asked him for a confirmation of overdraft..nothing of course and since then it's just error occured in the bank transfer..i have a lots of direct debits these days, i can't take money from my ISA, my brother is missing i had to look for him...I'm busy...At work (he told me he was an architect LOL)...In manchester...

I know exactly where he lives (even if as said before we walked for a while to get there. I realised there was a really shortest way to get to his flat later on).I have been back there before my 'normal' job to note his address...i have pictures of me and him, of his flat from the outside...i still don't know his real name though. I had reported him on ugly mugs and i will go to the police soon, as i just had them on the phone yesterday and they told me they can't do anything to help me have my money back because it's a civil issue dealing with 'illegal' money.

As told before he looks legit, always say "how do you say...", "babe", "you reckoning  ??? "

It's been three weeks now I am in touch with him to have my money..and today when I've read this alert i realized that i will probably never have it...but trust me he fucked with the wrong one and I'm gonna make him pay whatever the way for all the harm he has done to every girl who posted something on this thread before me. If you girls are reading this please contact me or Amy from SWISH London, she is the one who is trying to help me with this issue. I know you will be reading this so thank you very much again   ;)  :D

he's obviously a professional scammer, I am glad and sad at the same time that i found this thread on this forum. Glad because I am not the only one and sad because i am not the only one. I want to stop him, I'm so pissed. Nobody tried to have the money back? did someone reported him to the police, if yes please contact me, the more we are the stronger we will be against him. I really hope something can be done. I don't think it possible to do something with AW since if you are a bit clever in this world, new email adress, and new simcard every single day.

Btw he stole some of my condoms and i even paid him a coffee at costas, as i am always working with empathy and i am a generally kind person...way too kind in that story i must confess it, but what is done is done.

Sorry for such a long post, and for my english, I m doing my best.
« Last Edit: 31 March 2016, 06:47:56 pm by Hakuna Matata »


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #72 on: 29 April 2016, 08:37:09 pm »
This man AW username maartinne_Qkxxx654&#

AW ID 2623052

Has tried to book me for an overnight in London. He started to ring bells on the second email, won't give me an exact location. I've asked him to pay a deposit and forward hotel booking details, all of which is explained on my profile. ;D


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #73 on: 05 May 2016, 03:45:12 pm »
Ogle so glad I found this site it happened to me to when I first joined aw in August last year a. Little naive met h at South Ken tube station had to get to buses and a long walk from the last bus stop said he do bank transfer so I also stayed as belived him that the money be transferred into the account he sounded so convincing and well spoken with an accent and agree with well endowed and quite rough was sore and swollen for days after when I left him in the morning he said it take a few hours to transfer but nothing luckily I had his name and address and did report to the police aswell he also blocked me on aw and changed his phone number also plus I will never forget his face plus the police said I weren't the first girl that he done too either so be very aware he a true con artist now that I been escorting for a while I always ask for booking request with good feedback now for all nighters


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #74 on: 06 June 2016, 11:52:50 am »
So glad for this forum. Had 2 msgs via AW from this illiterate fool. Now using maartinne_Qkxxx654&# as username. Bye bye idiot  :FF
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