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Author Topic: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay  (Read 157855 times)

Sarah sweeties

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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #30 on: 07 May 2013, 09:41:02 pm »
Adult work name Jerome_669, number 07583762***. About 5'7 ish, black, thick accent.Will say he will pay you by ransfer but doesn't.
He lives in Kensington/Chealsea area, email me for full ddress, tends to wear a bow tie (i know!) and has an accent that was hard to understand. I got to paddington at around 9.30 pm and we walked back to his which took like 30mins and two buses, which sent alarm bells ringing becasue he said we'd get a cab.
 We get there and he tries to make me drink red wine, which i don't because i don't drink and work, and i ask for my money, upfront as you do. Two overnights is ?2000 and he says his bank won't allow him to take that anount up at once and he will transfer it to me, so he takes my bank details. I take his word for it as he's been going on about how nice he is and he seems ligit and lives in Chealsea so obviously has the money.
So i have sex with him several times, but he's A) huge and B) shit and he rips my downstairs up, which means ican't work for a couple of days while it heals over.

So i offer to go, as can't have sex for a few days, and he'll justpay ?1000, which i think is pretty reasonable as i can't work for days after this. He sas no he wants me to stay but then spends the whole day dragging me around London, doing chores and showing me the sites while i'm in quite a bit of pain cause of the bleeding and the walking.

We go back to his at abou 8 ish he tries it on, i say no, we've had this talk and go to sleep. Next day he walks me to the train station and says the money will be there Monday. It's now Friday, i have no weekend work money, I still can't work cause of the rip and he's blocked me on AW and won't answer my calls.

Idiot gave me his address tho.

Don't work with him, seems legit, but he ISN'T!!!



[Title edited for clarity]

I've seen this one, had a bad gut feeling when was on the bus with him, and when he got of I turned to buse driver and said please drive.
I have seen him also when i first started a few years ago! i demanded the money like others n he did same thing "on the phone", i said i would go if he didnt sort the cash out n i was a bit confrontational n he pushed me out the flat! This was when i first started so he must have been doing this at least 2/3 years. Its not right he shouldnt be able to get away with this. Unfortantely i cant remember his address as he picked me up from kc station. Hope he gets caught this has been maybe only 1 of the 4  crappy experiences with men i have had.

If he still contacting women to meet then the poilce are not doing anything. Im sorry to come across like this but its like these men have got licence to do this because they more less getting away with this i had another eariler wanted a overnight booking but wanted to pay me bye bank transfer the next day i sed no its cash up front. Its like more others i get on my phone who try and trick and scam. My consern is for a new escorts more shouid be done !                   
im such a sweetie pie


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #31 on: 18 June 2013, 11:41:31 am »
NEW NAME BEING USED - Jamesson_ltd

Mobile number


Contacted my friend who has just made a new profile, she is based in South Devon but still trying to get her to come to him. 


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #32 on: 12 July 2013, 11:31:06 am »
This was the first man I met when I first started working, and it knocked me for six. Similar story to the other girls, met him at victoria and he had promised a taxi to a hotel, and had sent me a link to where we were staying. Then there was some story about why he needed to be at home instead, and we walked all the way from Victoria, very creepy guy. I asked about money over and over and got the same I cant get it out transfer it story. He talked about how he didnt need girls who didnt want him because he could have whoever he wanted, ALOT. I guess alarm bells were ringing for me, but I was young and unexperienced. I stayed for the first night, and we had sex, similar that he just wouldnt stop, and let me sleep. In the end I told him if he didnt stop I'd leave. Woke me up the next day by wanting to have sex, and I decided then I was leaving. He said we'd go to a cash machine or a bank now, and we walked for miles and miles, past alot of banks i must add, and everytime i mentioned it he said that wasnt his bank.
I quickly made up an excuse why I had to leave, luckily I had a sister who lived close by and took cover there. He made fake phonecalls to the bank, and wouldnt stop ringing/texting me being rather rude about me not coming back.
I had this for a few days after and then that next week he text me saying you gave me chlamydia, which i know for sure i did not, we used protection, and I got checked and was clean. Tried to report him on AW but he blocked me so I was helpless to do anything.
A horrible, horrible man. Luckily I've had much nicer experiences since then!!


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #33 on: 28 July 2013, 02:18:10 pm »
I have reason to believe he's now contacted me ::) ???

Is using the name Jamesson Ind on AW and signing text messages 'Jamesson'  phone number 079703582**

Contacted me asking me to travel to London, typing is very basic, it was a "come to London, what day can you do" type one liner. I gave a date, my fee and advised on how to pay a deposit. Started texting me saying he'd pay into a bank account, would like to see my passport ID and and can I phone him.

Since it's him wants me to travel I made it clear how I need a deposit paying, and that I need proof of who he is and where we are staying.  Only just put 2 and 2 together right now, but feeling I had right from start was that it wasn't going to be happening!


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #34 on: 28 July 2013, 07:47:28 pm »
I fell for this man as well
It was my very first escort booking. I could not believe it.
Anyway he was very persistent and i was naive enough to think i was just doing well.


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #35 on: 29 July 2013, 02:40:01 pm »
Sorry forgot to add

He is using this username at the moment



Holly T

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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #36 on: 03 August 2013, 05:02:55 pm »
I always thought that since he lives in London and I'm in Glasgow this thread doesn't apply to me but I was doing a search through my AW e-mails today for another 'Charles'.  Turns out he has contacted me.  I recall him using a different username as well but I don't remember which one.  So just a heads-up that I think the warning should apply to any ladies in the UK.


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #37 on: 03 August 2013, 05:34:58 pm »
If somebody this man has contacted would post his AW account/user number then it wouldn't matter how many times he changed his nick, as this number stays the same?


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #38 on: 03 August 2013, 07:53:29 pm »

Current user name, unsure how to work out the profile number.

I think the profile number is this 1957228 can anyone else confirm this?
« Last Edit: 03 August 2013, 07:55:45 pm by Strawberry »


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #39 on: 03 August 2013, 08:07:46 pm »
Thank you for offering the User ID to block; this is today coming up as: Denzel_Qx

Blocked in advance of any possible contact!


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #40 on: 27 August 2013, 02:43:07 am »
Yep still going and using the exact same messages and number. Contacted me under the name of Jammeson_lnd

Just An Escort

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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #41 on: 11 September 2013, 01:04:41 pm »
Just messaged me today, he's coming up as  Jimmy-GX today (recognised the user ID number). Just sent me a nonsensical message I'm not intending to reply to.


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #42 on: 20 September 2013, 01:17:32 am »
Looks like this is the same man, so he's still doing the same thing:


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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #43 on: 24 October 2013, 06:58:35 pm »
Hi ladies

Added my profile on AW 4 days ago and I think this guy just contacted me.

Typing very basic (What day free babe to get with me Overnight do let me know hun xx) and wants me to come to London.

Not sure but sounds very much like the guy you already described.

Username James_K-xx, South Kensington London, I declined politely but he is not giving up easily, offers to pay 1200 even though I told him that I am not available for overnights.

Phone 079703582**



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Re: London overnight scammer: rough and won't pay
« Reply #44 on: 10 November 2013, 02:37:32 pm »
Also had an email the other day from James_K-xx.

Very poor english and asking for me to visit London (I clearly state the areas I travel)

Blocked. I think he did have a number in the email but I cant get it now.

If it seems too good to be probably is.